Jeez, I feel sorry for those viewers.  I had a job 10+ years ago  
where the advertising log at MTV broke down.  They sat me in front of  
a screen and made me fast forward through MTV to the commercials,  
then note down what the commercials were for and how long they were.   
Then I had to fast forward to the next commercials.  So all I saw all  
day was high speed MTV and adverts.  It was like A Clockwork Orange.   
I did it for a week before I quit.  After the third day, I walked out  
onto Oxford Street and suddenly threw up on their doorstep.
Still, it cured me of my MTV habit.


On 22 Mar 2007, at 09:24, joshpaul wrote:


To quote some of the article:

"The network last week received the results of its first dip into the
world of neurophysiology -- examining brain waves, galvanic skin
response and eye movement of TV viewers. NBC used an episode of
"Heroes" to find out what viewers comprehend of ads when they
fast-forward past them on DVRs."

There's so much to say, and I just don't have the brain power to get
it out right now...I need sleep.


o: 818-237-5200
c: 818-667-0900

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