Rocketboom news-day videos have embedded links, you can click on the  
QT video and launch a browser window with the reference.

We use Textation:

Its a bit of a clunky editor but work just fine.

On Apr 2, 2007, at 7:26 PM, Adrian Miles wrote:

> around the 2/4/07 Charles Iliya Krempeaux mentioned about Re:
> [videoblogging] Hyperlinks in Video that:
> >Although, with QuickTime you
> >would have to make the whole screen (displaying the video) clickable.
> >(You could NOT make just a a portion of it clickable.)
> no, in QT you can make any part of the screen clickable. you can also
> use tweens so your clickable spot moves in time. they can also be
> time based.
> -- 
> cheers
> Adrian Miles
> this email is bloggable [ ] ask first [ ] private [x]

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