Hey - thanks all for the great info on this topic - you've helped me
tremendously to get up to speed.  And thanks to Steve Garfield for
mentioning this group on his "Learn about video blogging" site.  It's
proving invaluable. 

I should have my channel up w/in a few months and look forward to
sharing it with y'all. 

- Daniel 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Meiser"
> On 4/4/07, J. Rhett Aultman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes.  Making QT my main format caused no end of headaches from people
> > telling me they had trouble with QT, so I decided to go with Flash.
> > Dreamhost also offers their own Flash transcoder, but I felt that
> > Blip.tv offered more in the way of social support, such as serving as
> > the mouthpiece of vloggers when video got scraped against people's CC
> > licenses, that I went with them for my new show.  Blip has its ups and
> > downs, but I've been pleased overall.
> Really!?  Any more info on Dreamhost's flash based transcoding?  So
> many possibilities there.
> I've always been a proponent of building server side transcoding into
> wordpress as a plugin to allow for one click publishing of videos to
> slash.  There are several open source packages floating around now but
> I have yet to see one integrated into wordpress as a plugin.  Maybe a
> future version of vPIP perhaps?
> I must say though... increasinly I see web based distribution as
> picking a suite of hosting options. I'm a big fan of Blip and vimeo's
> ability to cross post to many hosting platforms.
> BTW, somone said they had to have a different blip account for each of
> several projects!?  This is just wrong... unless you're using blip for
> your vlog too... Blip is best when used as a HOST... with blip's
> extensive crossposting features to cross post from everything from
> flickr, to delicious to wordpress, MT, Blogger.com blogs, Archive.org
> and others.  This means you can use blip to host all your videos even
> if you do have three vlogs and cross post different videos to
> different vlogs.
> Blip needs to work more on improving their metadata cross posting
> though.  As aggregators we've found cross-posts from blip to other
> videoblogging platforms are sorely lacking in meta information such
> as.
> -support for cross posted multiple video formats, particularly flash
> -support for cross posted thumbnails
> -support for cross posted geographic information
> and a whole lot more.
> This is causing people using wordpress, MT, and blogger blogs with
> blip not to have as nice of video feeds nor have as effective a vlog
> as they potentially could.
> That said... blip is still way ahead of the curve, noone else even
> comes close in my opinion, but there's a long way to go.
> I'd love to see for example vlogmap.org to have even better tracking
> geographic blog posts.
> Someone mentioned http://twittermap.com earlier this week.  That sort
> of metadata exists on blip and elsewhere in the vlogosphere... it's
> just not making it through all the feeds.  The problem isn't great
> markup for RSS like Media RSS... it's that the metadata is never
> making it into the feeds.  Specifically that users can't mark it up in
> the code.   The easiest example is there is a way to mark tags in your
> posts... rel="tag", but there is no way to specify a thumbnail for a
> video, no rel="thumbnail" or other.
> Anyway, I'm geeking out.
> Peace,
> -Mike
> > I now host Greentime on Blip and have it crosspost to a Wordpress
blog I
> > keep on Dreamhost.  It is a pretty good arrangement, and I don't know
> > that I'd go back to doing everything completely off Dreamhost.
> >
> > --
> > Rhett.
> > http://www.weatherlight.com/freetime
> > http://www.weatherlight.com/greentime
> >
> > Daniel Foster wrote:
> >
> > >New to vlogging and setting up my vlog now.  Not certain whether
I should
> > go
> > >with an inexpensive high disk-space / bandwidth server
(dreamhost) or a
> > host
> > >such as blip.tv.
> > >
> > >This will be on my own domain.   I¹ve read over blip¹s licensing
terms, so
> > >I¹m aware of that.   I plan to eventually post numerous videos
(more than
> > >100) as I already have lots of content.
> > >
> > >I¹m tending toward dreamhost, which seems to give me more control
­ and I
> > >could use their QT streaming capabilities.  Would this be a good
choice ­ ?
> > >Any other guidance regarding this is much appreciated!
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >* DF
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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