--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Cook"
> Hi everyone:
> On 4/4/07, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Interesting article
> >
> > 
> >  qsXOs0NUE
> It is HOWEVER..... (Quotes from the article are below)
> >  Wolf, who calls himself and activist and anarchist on another one of
> >  his sites, "The Revolution Will Be Televised,"
> I just LOVE it when the mainstream media and press refer to what we do
> as "anarchism" when in fact what we're REALLY doing is simply
> excercising our rights to the press and free speech.
> If that's being an anarchist, well then it's NO WONDER why FOX News
> loves to crtiticize the rest of the media and press and cry Liberal
> bias.  Then too, THEY ARE WORSE since they're CONSERVATIVELY biased.
> Besides, I don't think Josh has EVER referred to himself as an
> "anarchist".  Have you Josh?


"I live in San Francisco. I'm an artist, an activist, an anarchist and
an archivist; this is my videoblog."

> >  Debra Saunders, a conservative columnist for the San Francisco
> >  Chronicle, applauds Wolf's dedication, but doesn't believe he should
> >  be called a journalist.
> >
> >  "I think that you can be a blogger and be a journalist," Saunders
> >  tells me from her office at the Chronicle. "There are people who fit
> >  that [description], but when you're an activist cavorting with the
> >  people you're chronicling, then you are not a journalist."
> Really?  And just what are local TV people when they cover a rally or
> protest for the evening news?  Chopped liver?
> Talk about a clone of Ann Coulter!
> >  Her own newspaper disagrees with that assessment and has supported
> >  Wolf on the Chronicle's opinion pages.
> As well as it should.
> >  "The fact that Josh Wolf has strong political views does not
> >  disqualify him from being a journalist any more than the fact that I
> >  am an editorial page editor and have opinions disqualifies me from
> >  being a journalist," says John Diaz of the Chronicle. "The fact is,
> >  he was out at that rally, collecting information to disseminate to
> >  the public. I think that makes him a journalist."
> Exactly.
> >  Ultimately, Saunders says, it won't be journalists and bloggers who
> >  decide the issue, but the government.
> But it will be journalists and us as bloggers who will ask the tough
> questions OF the government though.
> >  "The courts are going to end up deciding who journalists are,
> >  because, unfortunately, this administration is really pushing the
> >  envelope in jailing journalists, and it won't end with the Bush
> >  administration," Saunders says. "It will get bigger as people point
> >  fingers in many ways, and that means the courts are going to decide
> >  who journalists are. You may not like it, but that's the way it is."
> On this point, even I agree with her.
> Just my opinion :D
> Cheers :D
> -- 
> Pat Cook
> Denver, Colorado
> PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
> Pat's Health & Medical Wonders VideoCast -
> http://patshealthmedicalwondersvideocast.blogspot.com/
> MY LIVE CAM - http://patscam.camstreams.com/
> YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
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