Cool!  I didn't know about that group.
Reminds me of that quote from Apocalypse Now:
"Well, Air Mobile... those boys just couldn't stay put.  
Mobilemediaworkgroup was an old videoblogging division that had  
cashed in its camcorders for phones and gone tear-assing around Nam  
looking for the shit.  They'd given Charlie a few surprises in their  
time here. What they were remotely uploading and crossposting now  
hadn't even happened yet an hour ago..."

Twittervlogging during Videoblogging Week 2007:

On 8 Apr 2007, at 19:57, Mike Meiser wrote:

Rupert, thanks for the feedback. This is a topic on which there can
never be enough discussion as far as I'm concerned.

FYI, we created a yahoo group for mobile media at the following url.

Been meaning to cross post this thread there, but there hasn't been to
much activity recently.

More comments are below.

On 4/6/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Mike, you asked about podcasting with the Nokias. I have N93 - which
 > has just been surpassed by the N95. As far as I know, the N95 has
 > better support for watching as well as making.

Been following and talking about the Nokia N series for awhile. I know
4 or 5 people vlogging with the N95.

Even still I think your video blog with the N93 was the most effective
mobile videoblog I've seen yet.

 > The problem with watching videos on the N93 is that is has an Opera
 > browser which only takes up to Flash 7 (mad). So all Blip flash vids
 > are out, and it only has basic MP4, not H264, so a lot of the
 > downloads are out as well.

Good to know. The incompatibility reflects poorly on Adobe, Opera and
Nokia. Why bother implimenting flash at all if they're not going to
keep it up to date.

I've been talking about server side transcoding for awhile. There
have been tremendous advances in server side transcoding. It would now
be possible to set up a scaleable solution using Amazon's elastic
computing cloud to transcode pretty much any video in a compatible
format on the fly.

Nathan Frietas' is a great example of this technology in
action.... a sort of proof of concept.

This would not only ensure that you'd be able to watch virtually
ANYTHING on your Nokia, but it could also be used in delivering videos
to all manner of hardware from set top boxes to other cell phones with
more limited video playback than the Nokia.

BTW, does the N93 support the Symbian based video and audio podcast
aggregator? I'm wondering if you've tried it if so what you think of
it. Last time I saw a demo it was still very primitive.

 > However, the new N95 has H264.

Also good to know... I thought the N93 and N95 both supported the same
codecs and flash... thought it was just a software issue. I guess
it's to much to ask that such devices support a wide aray of video
formats yet, but we're getting there.

 > Not sure whether the browser will
 > stream flash above version 7. Steve Garfield (and now Steve
 > Watkins :) ) will be able to tell us.

I can't seem to find Steve's videoblog on google does he have a url?

Is there some N93 or N95 mailing list, bboard or usergroup about this  

Perhaps I could invite you guys all over to the mobile media
workgroup... to use it as your personal playground for discussing
video and audio podcast issues with the N-series. That's pretty much
what it's there for.

BTW... I heard VOX and Nokia announced a partnership for mobile video
blogging and podcasting, haven't heard nor met anyone who's used it.

 > The editing system in-phone is cool. You can cut a lot of shots
 > together simply & effectively once you get the hang of it - like the
 > vids I shot in the coffee shop and at the Flashmob, for instance:
 > chiswick.html
 > flashmob.html

Very cool. I can't imagine how it could be easy with a phone, but then
again my $150 digital camera has some primitive editing features so I
guess I could see that it's at least possible. I'll believe it though
when I get my hands on one.... that is when nokia sends me one to
demo. ;)

 > Would be great if Blip could auto top & tail clips with pre-set
 > idents - would take editing them in out of the process for all the
 > one-shot clips i send, and save me 1 or 2 minutes.

Exactly. :)

Been bugging them about the idea for awhile. :)

Useful for more than mobile vlogging of course. I love that you call
then "idenities". It's a great way to think about it.

How I'd do it if I was blip ;) ... is I'd use email addy's as one of
the upload mechanisms... and for each idenity give the user a unique
email address to send the videos to.

 > Another thing that would be great is if Blip allowed us to tag our
 > videos when mobile uploading - some kind of code in the description
 > text that they auto recognize as tags. Also to specify type of
 > license. At the moment, I have to go in later and manually add tags
 > and cc license. Which I can do on my phone browser, but still...

Why not make the licensce part of the idenity?

As per the tags I must agree... if the tags aren't in the RSS when
most aggregators and search engines first crawl the feed then they
don't come back and get them later. Some sort of simple markup like
following would work well.

tags: tag1, tag2, tag3

It's basic comma delimination... the line break determines where the  
tags end.

The bigger picture is that there needs to be some standard simple
semantic way to mark up meta information.

Here's a good question for you... What kind of meta information does
the nokia add to the video. For example... not sure about the N93, but
the N95 has GPS I believe. Theoretically that information should be or
could be stored in the video much like digital camera's store EXIF
information in jpeg photos that is later read by services like flickr.
To automatically transfer geo information from your nokia to blip
would be VERY cool. I know blip now stores and syndicates such
geographic information to search services and aggregators like

I imagine this would be damn cool for things like your flash mob video.

I assume you've also seen twittermap, so I'm guessing you have some
idea what I'm talkinga bout by 'cool'. :)

 > The in-phone podcasting and feedreading capabilities on N93 are there
 > but not brilliant, as far as I can tell. I'd love to watch and make,
 > all from the same device, but I guess i'll now have to wait until I
 > get an N95, where it all seems a bit better. Again, ask Steve G,
 > he's the man. He's also posting lots of nice passing moments from
 > his N95 at the moment, which otherwise would have gone undocumented.
 > You get a little subtle visual impression of his world as it happens.

Yeah, Steve and I have been swapping some comments here and there.

I think what we need is a mobile meta vlog... I'm going to see if I
can't get something going. Basically it would aggregate mobile video
from JUST mobile vlogs into one channel... just to get it all into one
place and use it as a catalyst for promotion and discussion of the
matter. Something like what they call a "planet planet" blog.

Mefeedia already does the hard work at: 

... so maybe I can clean that up and pipe it all into a blog like or some such.

 > Writing in secret again - better go rejoin the family ;)

I know what you mean. It's Easter Sunday. :P


 > Rupert
 > Twittervlogging during Videoblogging Week 2007:
 > On 6 Apr 2007, at 02:36, Mike Meiser wrote:
 > Wow, that's a complex chain of events Rupert, but once it's set up it
 > sounds very simple to use.
 > I can't believe you run if through blogger on top of everything else.
 > I hope blip fixes whatever problem there was so you can go directly
 > from blip to twitter.
 > I'm suprised that you're able to add the intro and outro right on the
 > phone. Supercool. I can't imagine how the editing process works, got
 > to get my hands on one of those n95's.
 > I was hoping... actually thinking that blip had already  
implimented an
 > automated system whereby an intro and outro could automatically be
 > added to incoming videos via mail, and that blip already had twitter
 > cross posting. Maybe that's something in the near future at blip...
 > cross posting to twitter. I haven't checked into it but I wonder if
 > twitter has an API... might be great for cross posting photos to from
 > flickr so you can mobile photoblog through flickr to twitter as well.
 > Then there's audioblogging. I don't think blogger does call in
 > audioblogging anymore, but I believe eric rices hipcast and a few
 > other services do. The idea being that it'd be like calling in and
 > leaving a voice mail, but once posted to twitter if can not only be
 > listened to by any friend via mobile but also the web.
 > -Mike
 > On 4/5/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Thanks Bill and Mike! And everyone else who has commented and got
 > > involved. It's SO MUCH FUN.
 > >
 > > I am suddenly out of time to reply as fully as I want to, sneaking
 > > time on the computer in the kitchen while pretending to make
 > > dinner... :)
 > >
 > > The frequency of my text and video twittering has been hit today by
 > > work and Kate returning from holiday... but hopefully I'll get back
 > > on song tomorrow. She totally doesn't get why on earth I would want
 > > to do this, and glazes over when I enthuse to her - so I thought  
 > > be fun to ask people from the community to explain to her why it's
 > > cool, since y'all are the reason. So if you fancy dropping her a
 > > line here or via the twittervlog comments section, I think it'd go
 > > down well.... or not ;)
 > >
 > > As far as what you said Mike, I'm totally with you. As always, you
 > > put into words what I can't.
 > >
 > > And being as brief as I can, the workflow is that I film and  
edit in
 > > the phone, then send by email, using my home or café wifi to Blip's
 > > mobile upload. They then automatically crosspost to my Blogger
 > > blog. The feed from that then goes to
 > > twittervlog/ Then a free online service called
 > > automatically checks my feedburner feed updates and sends them to
 > > twitter.
 > >
 > > The phone will make titles, but not very beautifully, so I made a 2
 > > second start and end title in iMovie, compressed to MP4 and
 > > bluetoothed it over to the phone. Now I just add them in the in-
 > > phone editor. Which gets better the more you use it, but is pretty
 > > far from FCP!
 > >
 > > Ideally, I'd like to have done the publishing without the Blogger
 > > step, just Blip, but there was a boring technical problem with
 > > twitterfeed and twitteriffic (the mac desktop reader) not encoding
 > > the Blip feed. Won't go into it - suffice to say that with the
 > > amazing Charles Hope at Blip we figured out to use
 > > instead of - which is what he now uses for his
 > > vlogweek2007 updates (what a service!) But by that time I'd set the
 > > whole thing up to run with Blogger, so I thought I might as well  
 > > it that way.
 > >
 > > OH NO, the dinner. Help! I should be vlogging this :)
 > >
 > > ...and help me convert kate!
 > >
 > > Rupert
 > >
 > > Twittervlogging during Videoblogging Week 2007:
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > On 5 Apr 2007, at 14:57, Mike Meiser wrote:
 > >
 > > Rupert, I've been seriously enjoying your twitter vlog.
 > >
 > > You'll have to forgive me for just wagering in on this thread if
 > > seemingly by random I didn't feel like starting a new thread.
 > >
 > > I've long been an outspoken evangelist of mobile vlogging.  
 > > it would enhance the value of vlogging as a means of communications
 > > rather than as a means of episodic or entetainment. I do believe
 > > everyday communications (that just so happen to be public) is the
 > most
 > > important value, the height of vloggings purpose... though many in
 > the
 > > outside world are blinded by the flickring bubbling surface of  
 > > videos, cheap laughs and so on. This is not to knock episodic  
 > > or viral video... merely to say that vlogging can be SOO much  
 > > that people don't realize.
 > >
 > > In many ways I've often said videoblogging is ironicly  
fullfilling on
 > > the misplaced hype and promise of the last 30 years of "video
 > > telephony" that never materialized. Many are just beginning to
 > > realize that syncronous realtime explicit one to many  
 > > is not perhaps ever going to be a mainstream part of video
 > > communications... and that maybe, just maybe, asynchronous,
 > > one-to-many communications... most easily understood when put in  
 > > perspective of photosharing, as on flickr, or simple blogging...
 > > perhaps IS the future of the mass use of video in communications.
 > >
 > > What I see in twitter vlog is nothing less than another step toward
 > > the fullfillment of that promise of vlogging. There are dozens of
 > > other movlogs, but never have I seen it done so effectively and
 > > fluidly. What I like most are that the trappings and cruft of the
 > > vlogging interface and aesthetic seem to fall away. Twitter brings
 > > this same aspect to blogging by stripping it down to 140
 > characters...
 > > but by bringing videoblogging to the twitter context you've done  
 > > same with videoblogging.
 > >
 > > My question is on process.
 > >
 > > I see that you're basically going from your Nokia N95, over wifi I
 > > presume, to to twitter.
 > >
 > > What I'm wondering about is all the details inbetween? How much if
 > > any on camera editing do you do, how hard is it to publish the  
 > > Do you add the video intro on the camera or is it happening as
 > part of
 > > the publishing process?
 > >
 > > Twitter vlog does remind me of Jan of Faux Press's movlogging
 > style...
 > > but she seems to be using an older Nokia video phone with only  
 > > gen 3gp support and no wifi which seems to pose quite a bit of
 > > technical and time constraint which seems to limit the fluidity and
 > > easy with which she can communicate with the device.
 > >
 > > What I'm interested in is workflow. There is both the producing
 > > workflow and the consumptive workflow. Right now while the N95 does
 > > do aggregation there are as of yet only primitive mobile  
 > > options. I imagine if I had an N95 I could actually watch your
 > > twitter vlog with all my other friends twitterings via wifi... but
 > > mobile vlogging will only reach it's full potential when there is a
 > > critical mass of both mobile video production and transmition, and
 > > mobile consumption. In short... I'm waiting for the day when my
 > > mobile phone beeps... and I can flip it open... watch a video  
from my
 > > friend rupert half way around the world in london... and then
 > > immediately record a response, click a one click publish button and
 > > know within minutes it will be on my twitter or other vlog being
 > > enjoyed by my friends wherever they may be.
 > >
 > > Of course it's about more than video, ultimately it's about
 > > communicating fluidly with photo, audio, text, and video...  
 > > the situation demands... to participate in a fluid near real-time
 > > conversation with one's friends. Twitter has started to lead us  
 > > the next leg of this path by turning text messaging from and  
 > > 1:1 and text only medium to a one-to-many model... and allowing
 > > through simple urls the inclusion of elements of photo, video and
 > > audio.
 > >
 > > So... I also wonder if anyone has tried doing audio blogigng or
 > > photoblogging explicitely with twitter.
 > >
 > > -Mike
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > On 4/3/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > > Yeah, I wanted to go look, then come back and write, but I got
 > sucked
 > > > into your video mountain never to re-emerge.
 > > > Amazing.
 > > > And that doggie cam video is great.
 > > > Rupert
 > > >
 > > > Twittervlogging during Videoblogging Week 2007:
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > On 3 Apr 2007, at 18:36, schlomo rabinowitz wrote:
 > > >
 > > > Exactly Bev!
 > > >
 > > > You have more drive than 90% of us lazy videobloggers! An
 > impressive
 > > > collection of videos to be sure.
 > > >
 > > > Schlomo
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > On 4/2/07, Bev Sykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > > >
 > > > > Videoblogging WEEK? Hey, pikers, I have managed to post a video
 > > a day
 > > > > since
 > > > > August of 2005, with very few missed days. Granted, they aren't
 > > > all up to
 > > > > the standards some of you set, but still I'm rather proud of  
 > > > > accomplishment. Not bad for an old lady.
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > > I am presently dealing with a broken DV camera, so am back
 > working
 > > > with my
 > > > > digital, and I'm concentrating right now on interviewing my 87
 > > > year old
 > > > > mother and recording stories of her childhood, so there is a  
 > > > of that
 > > > > kind of stuff.
 > > > >
 > > > > But if you don't watch all 552 of the videos on Blip, at least
 > > > take a look
 > > > > at my favorite,
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > > --
 > > > > Bev Sykes
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
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