thanks Rupert ... for the record, my friend's daughter is ok ... she was bit
by a dog and she's very young, but they did a skin graft and it appears it's
going to turn out pretty well considering ... Richard

On 4/10/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   That's amazing.
> What a guy.
> I was on a bit of a rant, because I feel that too often humanity,
> moderation and common sense is lost in bureaucracy, crowd behavior
> and politics.
> But you're right - well posted.
> I hope your friend's daughter is okay.
> On 10 Apr 2007, at 15:08, Richard (Show) Hall wrote:
> No pants story ... Sad, but funny
> You've got a group adding a few smiles to everyone's day.
> Then the police arrive and disrupt the subway, clog things up, and,
> generally exhibit disorderly conduct.
> ... the irony is overwhelming
> ... police spending their time in major metropolitan cities arresting
> people
> for writing with chalk on the side walk and walking around in boxer
> shorts
> ... tax dollars at work
> ... in contrast, this past weekend I was on a float trip on the Jacks
> Fork
> river in the Ozarks, camping in am isolated spot on the river in the
> middle
> of no where with friends, and a highway patrolmen shows up.
> It turns out that the highway patrolmen had hiked two miles from the
> nearest
> point where a car could get to, in order to let one of my friends
> know that
> his daughter had been in an accident.
> My friend and the highway patrol guy then canoed down stream to that
> same
> place and the highway patrolman gave him a ride to his car and
> arranged for
> the canoe to be picked up.
> This was really beyond the call of duty, something most anyone would
> gladly
> pay tax dollars for - and, when it happened I vowed I wouldn't spend
> all my
> time just talking about bad stuff cops do, so, anyway, there you have
> it.
> ... Richard
> wrote:
> >
> > ..something I felt like sharing - kinda made me wanna say hmmmm.....
> >
> > Its been plenty of times that have been shared over the web when
> > people are mistreated or mishandled by the cops or other forms of
> > authority. This youtube clip in particular just shows how backwards
> > and corrupt some of OUR law enforcement agencies are and where their
> > real priorities are. Although this may be comical in it s
> > deliverance of the prank - i don't think it deserved the end result.
> >
> >
> >
> > The only Treo Training Video Cast in the World
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Richard
> Shows
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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