I'd like to throw Washington DC in the ring as a possible venue for
Vloggercon 2007.

So far we've had NYC (The Culture/Finance/Media capital), Bay Area
(The Tech capital), why not do vloggercon in the political capital?
Imagine combining Vloggercon with  visits to your lawmakers, interest
groups, and such and vlogging those visits?

The election cycle is going to add a bunch of energy to this town too,
and we can feed off and into that energy.

Washington DC is all about communication. Every major interest group
in the country has a presence here. Maybe it makes sense for DIY media
makers to have their voice heard here too. Maybe there are some issues
that we hold in common, perhaps around intellectual property, net
neutrality, shield laws, broadband access? If so, a collective voice
beats a solitary voice.

I'm sure there are lots of great places to hold vloggercon, I just
want to make a case for DC. We have an expanding community of vloggers
on the ground here who I'm sure would be happy to help out in the
organizing and running of the event. I certainly would love to help out.

OK, that's my pitch. What do people think?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the most recent plan for this?  Last I heard here (just  
> searched) it was going to be in Boston in the Summer, and not merged  
> with BarCampUSA.  Is that right?  Still on?  Any definite plans?
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.blogspot.com/
> http://www.twitter.com/ruperthowe/
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/twittervlog/
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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