Thanks for the suggestion Brad, unfortunately my DV output renders are
25-30 gig so the 2 gig input limit is a no go for me.

Rev. Chumley

]--- In, "Brad Hood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MPEG Streamclip, free download, has an ipod setting with options for
> multipass and bit-rate limiting.  I like it, but I have no ipod to
> test it out.  MPEG Streamclip has a 2-gig input limit, fine for
> joining and transcoding from VOB, if you have DVD sources for your
> COUHF show.
>   I run into trouble with my AVI exports from Virtualdub. 
> Uncompressed RGB allows me up to 90 seconds or some-such.  I get 9
> minutes from Panasonic DV codec.  However, transcoding to XviD
> at best quality could be suitable as an intermediate on the way to
> h.264 for your
> feature length movies.
> --- In, "Chumley" <metaflibble@> wrote:
> >
> > My bad Steve, yeah your right its "low-complexity" instead of
> > 
> > Now that we have our words right again I ask the community, does
> > anyone know of a good transcoder that handles the "low-complexity"
> > h.264 MP4 conversions (640x480 ipod compatable with bitrate
> > manipulation) on the PC?  
> > 
> > I've tried Videora, but the darn thing loses sound sync so bad that
> > its almost worthless.
> > 
> > I would appreciate any tips all, I really would like to be able to go
> > 640x480 with my next episode.
> > 
> > Rev. Chumley
> >

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