I like this response better than my own.

- Andreas

Den 19.04.2007 kl. 14:32 skrev Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Bullshit Bullshit BULLSHIT tech piece, trying to find a tech angle
> that didn't need to be found.  Maybe in order to justify writing
> about it on a tech blog.
> Wow, Dave, I didn't know that everyone who ever owned a video camera
> and shot home movies of themselves talking on it was a vlogger.  Um,
> isn't the internet involved somehow?
> No?  Then I know loads of vloggers!  Cool, I should invite my dad to
> this group.  He'd fit right in.
> Hm.  What *is* a videoblog?
> Quote Doc Searls response: "We don't know if he thought about
> uploading them to YouTube. But, since he planned to fill the rest of
> his morning with murder, it's likely that he didn't want to post his
> plans on the Live Web -- where somebody might see it and get
> authorities to stop him. So he opted instead for snail mail and a big
> bang later on the small screen. YouTube would come, inevitably, later."
> Quote Winer: "In other words, vlogging comes to mass murder, in ways
> no one anticipated (or no one I know). It makes perfect sense, in a
> perfectly senseless way."
> Leaving aside the meaning of vlogging for a second... it COMES TO
> mass murder?  COMES TO?  WHAT????  Does it really make sense, Dave,
> does it REALLY?
> Quote Winer: "We're watching it on MSNBC now. It's amazing stuff. The
> videos are Quicktime files.  NBC should release all of the videos in
> Quicktime form as downloads. It's wrong to withhold them."
> It's WRONG TO WITHOLD THEM?  Why?  Can you substantiate that
> intellectually AT ALL?  Because it was this fucking guy's last wish,
> and we should honour that?  In what way does anybody benefit from
> seeing it - and how do the families of the dead feel about it?  Or,
> um, is it because you're getting a rush from listening to a real life
> psycho?  COME ON, MAN.  GROW UP.  THINK.
> God, I can't believe I just got so wound up about this.  As David
> Lynch would say, Bullshit.  Fucking Bullshit.
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.blogspot.com/
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/twittervlog/
> On 19 Apr 2007, at 13:09, Steve Garfield wrote:
> Dave Winer wrote this post:
> "Vlogging comes to mass murder
> The Virginia Tech shooter sent a package of video and pictures to NBC.
> In other words, vlogging comes to mass murder, in ways no one
> anticipated (or no one I know)."
> http://scripting.com/
> Share your thoughts with him.
> I did.
> --Steve
> --
> Steve Garfield
> http://SteveGarfield.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
<URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >

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