Can you pretty much guarauntee that nobodies brain at NBC was secretly
spinning with excitement when they realised what theyd got?

I assume a strange mix of excitement, horror, amd moral confusion,
faces humans at times like those. I bet it was much the same with the
Iraq torture photos, horriffic and sickening, yet a prize. 

Not everyone is that cynical, but just as there are some people that
cynical onthe outside like me, criticizing, there will be some cynics
in the media institutions in question.

Also humans are very good at justifying their actions. This happens
all the time, its clearly a natural part of being a concious being,
though the ability to wrap uncomfortable truths into a safety blanket
of justification, in order to stay sane and believe in oneself,
probably happens mostly on a subconcious level, in order to be effective.

Do we think many of the monsters of the 20th century thought of
themselves as evil? More likely just like Mondays killer, they had
their justifications which they may genuinely have believed, and the
same will be so for the journalists in this case.


Steve Elbows

--- In, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> like i said, having sat thru editorial meetings, i can pretty much
> you the decision for NBC to release parts of those tapes
> had nothing to do with money. the currency in editorial meetings is
> information. i agree that there is ego involved in having
> more information than your competition, but in this case NBC did
nothing to
> get the information so it was not really theirs to claim.

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