I'd sorta kinda agree, Steve. Youtube isn't a blog. Yes, it has comments and
an RSS feed. But youtube, in and of itself, isn't a blog. Just like a
MySpace account isn't a blog (though you can use it for that), or
blip.tvisn't a blog (though, again, it does have that "show" option).

It's a gray area. Here's what I'd say: Youtube is a great place to store
video - and you can dump those videos onto a blog. So I'd say that using
YouTube to store videos for your vlog is valid (just like using blip is

If the definition is "video on a blog" - I think "blog" is generally
recognized as a certain thing (blogger, wordpress, etc). And youtube isn't

Does that make sense?

David King
davidleeking.com - blog
http://davidleeking.com/etc - videoblog

On 5/1/07, Steve Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   To me, videos on YouTube meet the definition of being video on a
> blog. They are videos presented in reverse chronological order, with
> a way to link to them.
> On May 1, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Michael Verdi wrote:
> > Going with the definition that a
> > videoblog is "video on blog" is also a strongly held, personal point
> > of view that's been disputed. Using that as the definition effectively
> > eliminates everything published only on YouTube
> --
> Steve Garfield
> http://SteveGarfield.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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