Yeah I don't know who wrote it.

A lot of it rings true, but some of it is way, way off.


--- In, Ronen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a letter about youtube's new partner program, written by an
> youtube star who is certainly, definitely, Absolutely NOT Kent.
> (via
> > ###
> >
> > *I'm a YouTube star, but YouTube wishes I wasn't. They would like to
> > pretend I don't exist, rather than admit there are several roads to
> > financial and critical success that don't lead through their corporate
> > headquarters. *
> >
> > *If they could, YouTube would love to become the next gatekeeper,
the next
> > network. And in fact they have, they've gently plucked their stars and
> > anointed them with advertising dollars. And someday you too can be
> > by their magic wand and granted the status of weblebrity if you
pass the
> > test. *
> >
> > *Our site has won a lot of awards, been seen tens of millions of
> > and is one of the most subscribed to around. But somehow, it was
left out
> > when "**YouTube Elevates Most Popular Users to
> > **". Okay, that's cool. *
> >
> > *We were approached last year, sure. They talked all about how we
> > shut down our personal domain and run everything through their
site, and how
> > that soon they were going to add a podcast feature to the site.
They asked
> > us if we'd heard of podcasting? *
> >
> > *"Um, yeah, we've created two of the most successful video
podcasts," we
> > responded. *
> >
> > *So that's the You in YouTube. They couldn't even be bothered to spend
> > five minutes on our website to find out anything about us. Sweet. *
> >
> > *The biggest point of friction has been their opacity and lack of
> > communication. I know they were in startup mode, but seriously,
you'd think
> > they'd want to foster good relationships with the people that were
> > the only legitimate content to their sites. We were the ones that
were the
> > new way -- the new media creators. *
> >
> > *And the big question for everyone was how are you going to make
> > Well, we certainly were not making any green from YouTube. And
until the
> > last three months, they weren't publicly promising any cash to
anyone. So
> > what were we supposed to do? Just pray really hard that YouTube would
> > someday pay us? That's sorta irresponsible. So we did what anyone
would do,
> > we started evaluating the opportunities that presented themselves
and then
> > took advantage of some of them. *
> >
> > *So when YouTube finally got its act together and offered us an
> > advertising split, it was too low an offer. We were doing better
> > them. And with less strings. *
> >
> > *But seriously, why was that the first time they talked to us? Well
> > actually they did ask for our mailing address early on, to send us
> > (they never arrived). *
> >
> > *If we had a dialog from when we really started to take off, this
> > situation probably could have been avoided. But they talked to us
once, knew
> > nothing about us, and expected us to just be so pleased to be in
> > with them. *
> >
> > *Get over yourselves. *
> >
> > *Right now YouTube has a three tiered system, the top, or big
media, the
> > middle, indie content creators with audiences, and the bottom,
random user
> > submissions that get small numbers of views. *
> >
> > *At the top they've got some deals in place, but they're also
getting sued
> > in a big way. And the new company from Fox and NBC is also going
to give a
> > lot of competition. *
> >
> > *The bottom is pure long tail. The only money there is in the
> > of content and selling ads against the massive volume of vids with low
> > views. YouTube will continue to be king here. *
> >
> > *The middle is where our site lives, the indie content creators.
This is
> > the space that YouTube could just own, if they invested really
heavily in
> > terms of ad splits and career development. The terms that YouTube
offers to
> > these middle players will set the floor for what every other site
has to
> > offer the talented upstarts that create fun and entertaining shows. *
> >
> > *They need to be aggressive in identifying the new talent the
people that
> > can get more than 50k in views on their vids. And then bring them
into the
> > fold, help them. Let them know about podcasting, help them build a
> > merch operation, sell high value advertising against their content. *
> >
> > *This involves much more than they are doing now. Now they just
> > these indies into Partner status. Which means they give cross
promotion on
> > the site, the future promise of preroll/postroll ads, and a split
of the
> > advertising that appears on the page views on their site. *
> >
> > *What they are doing now is a short term play to get and keep the
> > of those indie shows. But what happens when those contracts are
up? And the
> > creators haven't really developed their careers? *
> >
> > *Some shows will stick with YouTube, but the savviest and the most
> > commercial ones will move to other video sites that can provide better
> > splits or signing bonuses. Creators will start to realize that their
> > storytelling talents are rare and valuable. *
> >
> > *I don't know the terms this round of authors were guaranteed by
> > but I do know that we were offered was okay money, but something
that we've
> > already surpassed. And then when you factor in merch sales, and
the value of
> > having our own users and pageviews on top of that and controlling
our own
> > brand, we're coming out miles ahead of a typical YouTube power user. *
> >
> > *So what happens next? I dunno. I mean I know YouTube's got deep
> > now, but I also know that their technology is pretty commodity ( **
> >** ), and I
know if
> > these deals aren't that successful, that the creators will flee to
> > other deep pocketed competitor. *
> >
> > *My biggest hope is that these creators can walk away. How many of
> > have a good lawyer reviewing that contract? *
> >
> > *Whatever YouTube is paying will be the marker. I expect
Microsoft, Yahoo,
> > and other players will follow suit, but with better terms to
attract the top
> > talent. *
> >
> > *Also I think that new kinds of media services companies - smaller and
> > more focused than YouTube - will continue to cherry pick the best
and most
> > commercial properties to sell ads against at a much higher dollar
value than
> > what YouTube is able to do.
> > *
> > ###
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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