So much depends on what kind of vlogging you do and what other uses you'll
make of these cameras. I have used all three, and have an extremely strong
preference for the Panasonic over the other two, but none of them are ideal
for on-the-street quick-shoot purposes.

These days when I'm shooting DV and don't need to worry about attracting too
much attention, I reach for a DVX. But what I carry around with me is a
little Canon Optura 500 (probably soon to be replaced by an HV20 - not for
the HDV, which I"m not wild about as a format, but for the 24P). I'm used to
lots of manual control and direct access to it, so that aspect drives me
nuts, but it's MUCH better for a carry everywhere vlogging camera than the
DVX. And it DOES have manual control, just not at the level I prefer.

But you mention "as well as other video projects" so here's my summary of
the three cameras:

PD170 - as Jay says, a workhorse. And you DON'T have to shoot dvcam with it,
it also does regular DV. Very easy to use, very clean looking video ( too
clean for my tastes ), but difficult to do much with it aesthetically beyond
experimenting with slow shutter speeds. If you want a camera that gives you
a professional looking image with minimal fuss, it's a good choice.

XL2 - Personally I cannot stand the XL form factor. It drives me nuts. When
I shoot with an XL1 or XL2 in public people stare at it. The XL2 does have a
good range of manual / image control, though, and if you like the form
factor, want interchangeable lenses, and have the $$$, it's worth

DVX100B - I love the DVX and HVX cameras. If the old TRV-900s were the DV
bolexes of their day, the DVX100's are the DV aatons. But they invite and in
some cases require a pretty deep understanding of cinematography and the
technical underbelly of digital video to get the most out of them (though
one can just spend the time to create a couple of default presets one likes
and use those for quick shooting).

Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art

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