
Leesa Barnes
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--- In, "Beth Kanter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bill Kistler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 7 Jun 2007 19:16:45 -0000
> Subject: Non-profit seeking web help for event
> I am writing on behalf of The Pachamama Alliance, a not-for-profit
> in San Francisco, CA. We work with indigenous people in the
rainforest of
> Ecuador to provide training and resources that enable them to
protect their
> territory -- a pristine section of biodiverse rainforest habitat -- from
> unwanted development. At their request, we have also created a
program of
> public education here in the Northern hemisphere, to raise awareness
of the
> root causes of development and exploitation of natural areas and
> peoples.
> We are holding a fairly large gathering of our volunteers from
> North America and the U.K. at Mills College in Oakland, CA on June 15
> through 17. Of about 360 volunteers in our organization, perhaps 100
or so
> are able to attend this gathering in person. We wish to be able to
> those who cannot come in the unfolding events at the gathering as it's
> happening, through the use of video clips, photos, and blog linked
to our
> website. The ability to post questions and receive answers at the
website is
> desired. Podcasting is another option we would like to explore. Real
> streaming is not necessary; we only want to make things available
within a
> short time after they happen. The idea is to include the entire
community of
> volunteers, geographical distances notwithstanding.
> We have sources for the video content and so on, but are looking for
> who can take the content and make it available in the ways we
envision. I'm
> sure there are many people in this community who are more than
capable of
> making this happen with us. We would love to hear from you. Please
> me if you are interested.
> Bill Kistler
> --------------
> "The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream." - James
> Allen
> -- 
> Beth Kanter
> Social Media and Nonprofits: Trainer, Coach, and Consultant
> Beth's Blog:
> Beth's Wiki:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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