Probably way easier to achieve in Flash than other formats. Dont think
theres a way to do it with .mp4's, youd need to wrap the mpeg up in
something else, maybe it could be done with .mov or using SMIL.

Anyway, google search the term 'flash dynamic' and plenty of useful
info should result. Theres quite a few flash gallery gadgets that use
the concept.

Was this the guy that was looking to pay for expert advice on these
matters? I dont know enough about this stuff to provide that level of
advice, and Id want to know what the projct was. Its certainly an area
to tread carefully, as directly embedding linked images or other files
on other sites can sometimes make people angry. For example I host a
forum and lots of bandwidth is used by people using the customised
smileys from our forum, on other sites.


Steve Elbows

--- In, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im reposting this for Dave after I asked him to be more specific with
> his question.
> anyone who thinks they can help...please jump in.
> Jay
> __________________
> I'm looking for a proof of concept and need someone
> experienced in both MPEG and Flash. Specifically, I
> want to learn how to have an MPEG video make an http:
> call to retrieve an external graphic. For example,
> pulling something like this -
> -
> dynamically (i.e. from the client viewing the video),
> not embedding it. Once this works, the next step is to
> learn how to convert the media to Flash and have the
> same experience (i.e. retrieve image via HTTP, etc)

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