Yay, its good news, here were my thoughts on it:


My main question is whether the h264 versions will also be easily
available to download from the youtube site, as this will mean quite a
change in not just the format, but also youtube's whole tendency to
shy away from letting people legitimately download youtube videos.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fantastic.  It was only  a matter of time.
> On 12 Jun 2007, at 22:25, Enric wrote:
>  From iLounge, http://tinyurl.com/2fq3t7 :
> =================
> ...YouTube will soon be encoding videos in the H.264
> streaming-efficient compression format preferred by Apple TV, and that
> all new videos submitted to YouTube as of the mid-June launch of the
> AppleTV update will be playable by the device. From then until fall,
> YouTube will be encoding its entire back-catalog in H.264 format,
> adding videos in chunks until everything is accessible to Apple TV
> users. Direct links and the on-screen keyboard-based search engine
> mentioned in our previous update will bring you to current and old
> videos alike....
> =================
> If available to all, easier to mash-up.
> -- Enric
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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