It's me. I'm the most famous videoblogger ... in my street!

Waz from Crash Test Kitchen (for a picture, see Time Person of the
Year issue. No, not the mirror on the front, dummy - the picture of 
ME ME ME inside! Oh, Lenny's in there too...)

--- In, "missbhavens1969"
> Segmented fame. I like that! I'd rather 10,000,000 people watched
> 1,000,000 different videoblogs than 10,000,000 people watching the
> same 100. Or something like that. My math is off-- just work with me
> on this one. You get it, though, right?
> I don't know what an STC conference is, but being known to 20,000 tech
> writers is hardly impressive in the vast scheme of things. Millions
> upon millions of people don't know who Ze Frank is. Or any of us here. 
> There is no "most famous videoblogger". I imagine that declaring one
> (or even trying to) on this yahoo group would result in THE longest
> "define videoblogging" thread of all time! Feel free to have at it if
> y'all must.
> Personally, I mustn't.
> hugs,
> Bekah
> --
> --- In, "Steve Watkins" <steve@> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe fame is very segmented these days. In an era where the mass
> media isnt quite so mass, and the rise of the long tail, there is less
> collective recognition of a limited set of people who are the
> > Steve Elbows 
> > --- In, "Stephanie Bryant" <mortaine@>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Ze Frank was the closing keynote speaker at the annual STC
> conference this year, approx. 20,000 attendees of professional
> technical writers. So, um, he's *known.*
> > > 
> > > --Stephanie
> > >

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