>  I see your point, Jay, but I wouldn't equate the
>  grant/installation/festival process with the academic world - these
>  are often very separate communities.  I do agree that both of those
>  communities need to be more open to new work coming from new circles,
>  but vloggers need to do some of the outreach too.  And it CAN be
>  successful, in all of these communities, with good communication and
>  conversations with the right people.  It's just a question of getting
>  the ball rolling.

I do not mean to put barriers up for anyone who wants to reach out to
their local university, museum, or arts organization. But i believe
the people who have contacts inside these organizations will be more
successfully since there is a language and set of expectations they
have. jen, I know you did an amazing job creating that university
class on vlogging.

again, I'm all about building bridges, but I'm also about momentum.
whatever works for the person doing it.


Here I am....

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