
The notion of 'fame' seems to be transforming these days.  My first response
to your initial question, though, would have been to point you to Jay
Dedman.  (I just now ran a Google search for the term 'dedman' and see that
Jay's vlog/site Momentshowing is currently the third listed result; perhaps
it will soon be the top-listed, or perhaps it has been already, or perhaps
this is simply a digression.)  I believe Jay started this particular forum,
or at least was instrumental in doing so, and he's certainly one of the (if
not *the*) hardest-working vloggers in the universe.  (See his & Joshua
Paul's book, Videoblogging, for further evidence of his role in educating
the world about his particular favorite form of artmaking.)

Plus, his lovelife is a story everyone can be moved by, in one way or
another.  (And it has to do with vblogging!)


On 6/25/07, oovooworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Harold,
> Vblogging I think was unfortunately was a slip of the keyboard rather
> than a bold new coinage! It is genuinely amaznig the way the web
> interactivity/communications sector is splintering and proliferating -
> and I think it's very true what you say about 'fame' attaching to
> pioneers as much as anything.
> Glad Heathervescent did a good job, I've read about the conference.
> The people behind the application seem to be very passionate about it.
> It sounds like it could be a great solution for the weekly meetings -
> ooVoo is also free and you can use it to videoconference with up to 6
> others. The audio and video are pretty cool. The blog I write for
> (!unsurprisingly) collates all the buzz, opinions and
> reviews about it (it's balanced, looking at competitors too) so you
> might want to have a look.
> If you want to talk about it further of course post here but also feel
> free to email me or indeed ooVoo me or my colleague (ooVooMolly) once
> it's downloaded and you can see how it works in action...
> Phew! Schpiel over!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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