Hi everyone:

On 6/29/07, ilanadonna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
>  Did everyone see today's New York Times article on how the Mayor
>  wants to change photography rules for the city?
>  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/29/nyregion/29camera.html?
>  _r=1&oref=slogin
>  First of all, this is probably one of those laws that will be struck
>  down in court as a First Amendment violation. But apart from a
>  possible rescue by the ACLU or other activists, I'm concerned about
>  photographers in general if these rules are adopted. The new rules
>  are so complex that police could find a way to arrest just about
>  anyone with a camera if they wanted. I'm sure photographers at
>  protests will be targeted, considering how hostile the police were
>  during the RNC convention protests in '04.

Heh....I suspect it'll be struck down just for being one of those
STUPID laws, many of which are now thankfully outdated.

>  I'd encourage everyone to all call the mayor & complain about these
>  new proposed rules!

[Phone numbers snipped....]

I'll keep an eye on this one just in case either Mayor John
Hickenlooper or the Denver City Council get any bright ideas of doing
something similar for the DNC in '08.

Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
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