On 6/30/07, Lan Bui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PodTech had the chance to ask to purchase a license to use the
> photograph before it was used, at which time they would be able to set
> the terms. That didn't happen. Now that they have used the photograph
> already, who should set the terms?

This to me is the bottom line.  If a company wants to negotiate the price
for a creative work, their only opportunity to do so is before they use it.

Trying to say "ah well we'll give you X" after it's already been used
without permission is not only unfair ... its probably not a very strong
legal position. (IMNAL)

If a company is going to use photos from flickr .... they should know how to
look for the license icon on a flickr page.  If they fail to do so its not
the photograph owners fault.

Lastly I'm having a hard time accepting the implied "well anyone else would
have just given us the photo because we're oh-so-loved and do so much for
everyone" angle .. even if thats true, saying it out loud kinda ruins it.

PodTech:  Stop thinking of this as trying to pay what YOU feel the photo is
worth (your opportunity to do that was before you used the photo), and start
thinking of this as paying Lan for infringing on his copyright ... surely
that is something you can understand is worth more than a stock photo (even
if you cant for some reason understand that this photo is as well).

-  Dave


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