>  My name is miss peter. I've been doing music podcasts (audio) for
>  almost 2 years now and since I just bought me one of those there video
>  cameras, I thought I might jump into the video arena as well. I'll be
>  searching through the archives to see what's what with the whozits and
>  whatnots and then I'll jump into some conversations.
>  Meanwhile...
>  You can check out my music podcasts @ http://musicnerve.com
>  Strange Music for Strange People - an eclectic mix of all sorts of
>  nonsense leaning towards indie rock
>  Experiments In Sound - avant-garde and experimental music guaranteed
>  to make Britney Spears fans run screaming from any the room.

welcome miss peter.
Adam Quirk, aka Captian Ahab, might be right up your alley:

as always, ask away when you get stuck.
much of the group's experience is being documented here:


Here I am....
917 371 6790

Check out the latest project: http://politicalvideo.org
500 hours of George Bush speeches
Search, download, use

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