I am wading through their Submissions and the House Rules policies and I
would ask any vlogger to make sure they understand what they will gain
and specifically what they will lose if they upload their work to this
site. ABC/Disney is a major broadcasting business.

For example - concerning music rights:

Submissions submitted and/or posted by you contain original songs or
recordings, you hereby represent that you are a member of ASCAP, BMI,
SESAC or any other applicable performing rights society and that all
musical compositions (including lyrics) contained in such Submissions
are available for licensing to us directly from such societies.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, regardless of whether you are a member of
any performing rights society, you hereby grant us a perpetual,
non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publicly perform each and every
musical composition (including lyrics) contained in such Submissions;

or this little ditty concerning rights and compensation:

Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby grant us (and our
licensees,distributors, agents, representatives and other authorized
users),without the requirement of any permission from or payment to you
or to any other person or entity, a perpetual, non-exclusive,
irrevocable,fully-paid, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable
worldwide license to use, re-use, reproduce, transmit, print, publish,
display,exhibit, distribute, re-distribute, copy, host, store, cache,
archive,index, categorize, comment on, broadcast, stream, edit, alter,
modify(including, without limitation, removing lyrics and music from any
Submission or substituting the lyrics and music in any Submission with
music and lyrics selected by us), adapt, translate, create derivative
works based upon and publicly perform such Submissions, in whole or in
part, in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter
devised(including, without limitation, on WDIG Sites, on third party
websites, on our broadcast and cable networks and stations, and on our
broadband and wireless platforms, products and services) for any and all
purposes including, without limitation, news, advertising,promotional,
marketing, publicity, trade or commercial purposes, all without further
notice to you and with or without attribution.

For some of you this is a great idea.  To be able to say "Yes, that is
my work on ABC is cool, no question. However, even if you are willing to
give up all of your present and future rights so that your video can be
aired on ABC (and all their permutations)  I'm begging you to
read/decipher the important passages before you upload your stuff.

The short answer is - if you upload to I-Caught you forever lose the
financial rights to your work and it can be used in anyway they see fit
for now, for the future and in any future media format yet to be
invented.  Not a dime, franc, euro or centavo.

ABC is not a charity, it is a multi-billion dollar business.

Don't give the master your stuff unless you can live with the

Seriously, Read the Contract!


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Frank Sinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are very excited to let everyone know that Mefeedia is working
> with the ABC News – i-Caught Show and Website to help discover
> videos and report on online video trends, and in particular the
> vlogosphere.
> Based on some initial conversations that we have had with their
> team, they have "really liked the subjects Mefeedia brought because
> they give [i-Caught] a nice change up from what the typical viral
> video expert will talk to."
> What does this mean?
> They are very interested in the great stories that everyone is
> telling through the vlogosphere! Mefeedia will help ABC find such
> stories (and, of course, ABC will contact you, the producer,
> directly to ask permission to use your video should they decide that
> they would like to show it.)
> Why Mefeedia?
> Mefeedia brings a different perspective than YouTube and many of the
> other "viral" video sites. We help people discover great indie
> videos – videos from independent video producers / the
> How can you get involved?
> 1) Keep producing great videos.
> 2) Make sure your feed is in Mefeedia (we are looking at the entire
> vlogsphere.. but it certainly helps if you are already in Mefeedia's
> directory).
> 3) Fav, subscribe, and recommend your favorite videos on Mefeedia.com
> You could, of course, submit your videos to the i-Caught site (after
> agreeing to their TOS).
> What about the Show versus the Website?
> Their website will launch soon. The show will be broadcast at night
> on ABC nationwide, and will start with a set number of shows.
> Mefeedia will be providing LINKS to some favorite videos to ABC News
> (again, ABC won't post without contacting the creator and getting
> permission), and links to who we think would be great to interview
> on the show, but ABC can not make any commitments as to who will or
> won't be on.
> We hope to help those creators who would like increased exposure,
> and most importantly to bring attention to the vloggers' great
> talent and stories to people who appreciate it.
> Feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions.
> There is also more information on our blog post:
> http://mefeedia.com/blog/2007/07/196/
> Regards,
> -Frank
> Frank Sinton
> CEO, Mefeedia.com
> http://mefeedia.com/user/franks/ - What I'm Watching
> http://www.mefeedia.com - Discover great videoblogs and podcasts

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Frank Sinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are very excited to let everyone know that Mefeedia is working
> with the ABC News – i-Caught Show and Website to help discover
> videos and report on online video trends, and in particular the
> vlogosphere.
> Based on some initial conversations that we have had with their
> team, they have "really liked the subjects Mefeedia brought because
> they give [i-Caught] a nice change up from what the typical viral
> video expert will talk to."
> What does this mean?
> They are very interested in the great stories that everyone is
> telling through the vlogosphere! Mefeedia will help ABC find such
> stories (and, of course, ABC will contact you, the producer,
> directly to ask permission to use your video should they decide that
> they would like to show it.)
> Why Mefeedia?
> Mefeedia brings a different perspective than YouTube and many of the
> other "viral" video sites. We help people discover great indie
> videos – videos from independent video producers / the
> How can you get involved?
> 1) Keep producing great videos.
> 2) Make sure your feed is in Mefeedia (we are looking at the entire
> vlogsphere.. but it certainly helps if you are already in Mefeedia's
> directory).
> 3) Fav, subscribe, and recommend your favorite videos on Mefeedia.com
> You could, of course, submit your videos to the i-Caught site (after
> agreeing to their TOS).
> What about the Show versus the Website?
> Their website will launch soon. The show will be broadcast at night
> on ABC nationwide, and will start with a set number of shows.
> Mefeedia will be providing LINKS to some favorite videos to ABC News
> (again, ABC won't post without contacting the creator and getting
> permission), and links to who we think would be great to interview
> on the show, but ABC can not make any commitments as to who will or
> won't be on.
> We hope to help those creators who would like increased exposure,
> and most importantly to bring attention to the vloggers' great
> talent and stories to people who appreciate it.
> Feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions.
> There is also more information on our blog post:
> http://mefeedia.com/blog/2007/07/196/
> Regards,
> -Frank
> Frank Sinton
> CEO, Mefeedia.com
> http://mefeedia.com/user/franks/ - What I'm Watching
> http://www.mefeedia.com - Discover great videoblogs and podcasts

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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