At 6:17 PM +0000 7/12/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd wrote:

>I was able to make a disk image of the Mac Mini using the network 
>cables, the firewire port
>would not let me start up in Target disk mode. After I used the Disk 
>utility to erase the HD,
>I tried to use disk utility to restore from a disk image but the 
>image is greyed out and
>cannot be selected. Anyone have this problem? Does that sound like 
>the image is
Thanks again

I'm not quite sure which "disk image" or what kind of disk image you 
are referring to. The clones I make with CCC are fully bootable-- on 
an external drive. No need to use target mode. You can clone your 
clone back to the internal drive-- but carefully follow all the 
recommended precautions again.  If your image is a clone of a Mini 
Mac install, Disk Utility on PPC might not see it as a system that it 
can install. I'm making wild guesses with limited info. Rob D.

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