Many of you have probably heard about this already but for those who
haven't, please sign the petition (link below)or write to the Mayor's
Office for Film and TV (address below) and forward it to any others who
care about this important matter.


All of a sudden we, as photographers, filmmakers, students and
teachers, are facing serious restrictions by The Mayor's office about
NYC street photography.

Please sign the petition. We don't have much time with an august 3rd

Here is the URL with the petition to sign: just
click on this:

Introduced quietly just before Memorial Day weekend,
the regulations could severely impede the ability of even casual
photographers and filmmakers to operate in New York City. A group of two
or more people who want to use a
camera in a single public location for more than a
half hour (including setup and breakdown time) could be required to get
a city permit and $1 million in liability insurance. According to the NY
Civil Liberties Union,

"these regulations violate the First Amendment right
to photograph in public places, and open the door to selective and
discriminatory enforcement."

Friday, July 27th, 6:30 pm
Rally for the 1st Amendment - Union Square

Hope to see you there.

Jem Cohen, Astra Taylor, Laura Hanna, Beka
Economopoulos, Brandon Jourdan, and Julie Talen


Original NYTimes article: <>

< <> >

PDF of the proposed changes:

<> >

NYCLU Response:

<> >

Excerpted from an email by artist and filmmaker Jem

The Mayor's Office of Film deals primarily with big
film shoots (ie.

commercials, features, t.v.) where permits and
insurance are,

understandably, a given. However, many photographers
and filmmakers carry on

an equally vital tradition in which spontaneous
documentation of the urban

environment is at the very heart of our work. Being
a street photographer

often means standing in a random location and
waiting: for the right

activity, the right light, the break in the traffic;
the countless other

unpredictable factors that need to fall into place
to make a shot


Permits would have to be obtained for specific dates
and times and exact

locations, and the insurance would be out of reach
for many individuals. The

fact is that we simply CANNOT predict where, when,
and how long we are going

to film or photograph; we CANNOT afford expensive
liability insurance

policies; we occasionally NEED to work with other
people or to use tripods

to support our gear. (The regulations would, for
example, effectively rule

out a great deal of time-lapse photography which
depends on tripods and

cannot possibly be done with time limitations of 10
to 30 minutes, as well

as the use of large format still cameras and long

Especially in the current climate, official
clarification of photographer's

rights could be a positive thing. (Many of us have
been shut down by police

or other authorities who do not seem to understand
that we DO have rights to

film and photograph in public places). That said, if
these regulations go

through, it would invite if not require police to
harass or shut down both

professional artists and amateurs.

Unfortunately, I believe that we must see the
proposed regulations not only

as a blow against New York as a city that welcomes
and inspires art-making

(and historical documentation), but as part of a
continuum of broader

attacks against civil liberties and free expression.

Please contact the following person immediately and
express your concerns.

Julianne Cho

Associate Commissioner

Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting

1697 Broadway

New York, NY 10019


ph: 212.489.6710

fax: 212.307.6237

Professor Andrea Weiss
Film/Video Program
Dept. of Media and Communication Arts
Shepard Hall 471
City College, City University of New York
Tel: 212 650 5048

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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