On 3/29/07, sull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Rupert.
> great that you are trying this.
> also refer to for "blogging without the fuss" idea.
> we have had some discussions here.... mostly inititiated by Steve
> Watkins.... about a different environment that takes the best of a group
> like this yahoo mailing list, discussion forums, chat and add in ability to
> include video, audio, images etc..
> it's been a vision of mine and others.
> so recently i was invited into a service called
> i have talked to their community manager, marketing/strategy person and
> CEO within their tangler environemnt.
> so i spoke of how some people from this videoblogging group would find
> tangler interesting.
> it is similar to twitter.  but its also unique.  so far, i am enjoying
> it.  over time, i expect it to get much better.
> if you would like an invite, please email me off-list.  though i believe
> they plan to open up to public some time in April.
> sull
> On 29 Mar 2007 11:15:25 -0700, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Today is my 2 year vlogiversary. I haven't posted nearly enough in
> > that time, and most of my old stuff is offline.
> >
> > I've always wanted to post more inconsequential short moments, to
> > document cool, beautiful or interesting things as they happen.
> >
> > In the end, I just film a lot of moments, and never post them because
> > I don't want to clutter up my main vlog. Stupid.
> >
> > I got a Nokia N93 in January and thought that it would mean I would
> > film a lot of short Moments and post straight from the phone, but I
> > kept filming and not posting. More stupid.
> >
> > I thought I would try and use videobloggingweek to force me to do
> > it... but then there are other, longer-form things I also want to do.
> >
> > SO ANYWAY, I've only been Twittering for a week or so, but I love its
> > immediacy and disposability - and a lot of the text moments recorded
> > there remind me of what I wanted to do with vlogging, and with my N93.
> >
> > Seems to me that these video moments belong more on Twitter than they
> > do on a blog. They're for immediate consumption, and need the
> > immediacy and disposability and Now-ness of Twitter, rather than
> > being viewed later via feed or on a blog.
> >
> > So I checked it out, and there's a free browser-based tool at http://
> > which takes any RSS feed and posts it to Twitter.
> >
> > I've set it up so that I can film a short moment on my N93, email it
> > (via regular wifi) to Blip, then automatically takes
> > my Blip feed and posts it to Twitter - to
> > twittervlog/
> >
> > The result is a Tweet which contains the post title and a TinyURL to
> > the Blip video (and, if you want, a description in however many
> > characters you have left.)
> >
> >
> > God damn, I love the web, and all the people that make these things
> > free.
> >
> > Twittervlog is a special video only Twitter account in addition to my
> > regular one, but you could just set Twitterfeed to post your Feed to
> > your regular Twitter account.
> >
> > Even better, we should set up a Videobloggingweek twitter account
> > which runs off a feed of all the videobloggingweek videos as they're
> > posted. I will set this up - which feed should I use? I'm confused
> > about all the different ways we'll be centrally aggregating the
> > vbweek videos. Let me know, if you have thoughts or concrete info on
> > this.
> >
> > When I have a moment, I will put my Twittervlog process on the wiki.
> >
> > Rupert
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >  
> >

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