The next SF Video Edit is coming up on Saturday 8/25 from 4 pm - 11 pm! It's a free opportunity to edit your project with others around.
Standard Inform: =============== Most people edit alone, now you have a choice. Inspired by SuperHappyDevHouse and SuperHappyVlogHouse is SF Video Edit. SF Video Edit is a monthly gathering of editors at a location. Like SuperHappyDevHouse it's unstructured (at least for now) where you can choose to: + Work on your edit by yourself with others around; or + Go over edits with others who are around; or + Watch someone else edit, give suggestions and get ideas; or + Learn how to build a blog to showcase your videos; or + Take a break, have a drink and talk with someone. Yes, beverages will be provided and a projector (Mac only connection to screen your versions of your edit. But you'll need to bring your own computer editing system (or a friend who has one.) Sign up and location information on Wiki for SF Video Edit: If you're not in San Francisco and would like to start you're own, please do ;) -- Enric -======-