I agree with much of what youve said on this issue as a whole but Im
not sure about the best response. If peoples honest reaction to such
things is to ignore it, I dont necessarily see that as a negative
thing. This also means Im curious as to what Bill is suggesting when
he keeps refering to peope who are conspicuous by the absense.

OK I know there is a conventional wisdom that horrible widescale abuse
of certain groups of humans in the past, has been supported and
perpetuated by the silence and compliance of the majority. But I think
its taking it too far to therefore assume that with things like this
video, that people who stay silent are somehow siding with or helping
the racist. Im not too sure about this either way. 

Cos I thought the traditional media reaction was to be loud about this
stuff, everyone come out and condemn the person who just said
something unacceptable, and for everyone to start whiping things into
a frenzy until the scalp of the offender is claimed. And then theres a
round of self-congratulation that a powerful message has been sent,
that the person went over the line and lost a lot, and let that be a
lesson to everyone else.

Does that approach actually help or does it just push the issues out
of sight?

I dunno, Im not American so my real-life experience of the racial
realities of the USA are a tad limited. I thought I saw some ugly
truth being exposed when Katrina happened, and even the robotic media
were forced to confront uncomfortable stuff for a while, and it seemed
like there was a fair amount of shame, fake shock, a bit of denial and
then a move to forget about the whole thing as quickly as possible. 

I suppose I do think that the best that can come out of the video, and
what we should do, is have a big conversation about it, where
hopefully we all learn something, just like what seems to have already
been happening on this list long before I opened my gob on the matter.
I just cant bring myself to moan about anyone who wants to stay silent
on the issue, dont want some spanish inquisition where everyone has to
declare a certain view or face condemnation. For one thing it means
you can rarely find anybody who would admit to being racist, when
there are loads of em out there.


Steve Elbows
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jeffrey Taylor"
> And while Deirdre says this trolldom that needs ignoring, I also
> If we as a community of user-generated content providers let
luminaries like
> Feldman get away with things like this, we end up with the same
> media bullshit run by the same traditional media douchebags
perpetuating the
> same untrue and counterproductive nonsense all over again.

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