--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "ractalfece" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "bordercollieaustralianshepherd"
> <bordercollieaustralianshepherd@> wrote:
> >
> > Besides a lot of people finding the video offensive, uncomfortable,
> demeaning, hurtful 
> > etc.., very little (at best as I have been able to follow the
> thread) in the way of constructive 
> > criticism.
> > 
> > grabbing the bridge collapse to try to make my point. It took a
> catastrophe to raise 
> > awareness of the problem.... 
> > 
> > Besides a better written skit with a clear message or stated
> purpose, What could/should 
> > have been done differently and still generated the kind of
> conversation this video sparked?
> > 
> I've been thinking about this.  
> It's been pointed out in this thread, if you really read into this
> video, there could be many interpretations, it could be a caricature
> of pop culture that is harmful to the black community, for example.
> But the problem is, his set-up doesn't allow for multiple
> interpretations.  He spells it out in the intro that this is a
> caricature of "black tech bloggers". 
> If he was the provocateur that he thinks he is, he would have left it
> open by not telling us, "this character I'm doing is supposed to be
> black."  Then he could have at least pulled something like the Eminem
> defense:  why are you upset about a white guy saying these misogynist
> demeaning things in your tech community?  Aren't you aware of (or do
> you just not care about) pop culture in the black community?
> Oh wait, I bet that's coming later this week when we all get punk'd.

Let's keep this simple. :D

We can not get "punk'd" LATER THIS WEEK, because the shit's already
hit the fan.  It's too late NOW to try to turn around and say "See...
I was showing the community a lesson about XYZ".  That's why I waited
to give my opinion on what was going on.  I was waiting for the
context, which was never presented.

What you're talking about is the equivalent of Bush going "PSYCH!!!
HAHAHA I knew there weren't any WMDs!!! :D hahahaha you got PUNK'D!
:D".  It's too late.  His video... video(S) at this point, have
already been taken at face value, and some people are happy about it
and some people are upset about it.


As far as your title, "How would you have done it?"...

All you have to do to raise the question of "Where are the black tech
bloggers?" is stop the video @ 37 seconds after "I wonder what that
would be like.... a black TechCrunch?".  That starts the conversation
right there as far as whether a "black" TechCrunch would be different
from a "white" TechCrunch.

Case Closed.

> P.S.  Anybody remember when zefrank talked like a thug and said the
> word "ho" twice?   He was smart enough not to preface it with, "Hmm, I
> wonder what it would be like if a black guy had a vlog..."
> http://www.zefrank.com/theshow/archives/2006/04/040406.html

hehehehe OMG.  You mean that little intro thing Frank did?  I just
watched that whole episode.  If you're talking about the beginning,
then what you're saying is that Frank was "acting black", which would
imply that just before that, when he was playing guitar, he was
"acting white"? HAHAHAHA OMG. :)

Frank didn't say ANYTHING about black or white ANYTHING when he did
that.  Your problem is the same one that Loren Feldman brings to light
with his video.  Just because a group is perceived to have STARTED
SOMETHING doesn't mean it's a characteristic of that entire "group". 
Obviously, whites started the Klan.  That doesn't make being a member
of the Klan "acting white".  See the problem here?  You can't apply
the attributes of a subset, no matter how visible, to the entirety of
the people that you decide are a part of that "group".

Jeffrey Dahmer was a white homosexual cannibalistic muderer.  That
doesn't make ALL WHITES homosexuals, cannibals or murderers. :D  It's
retarded.  You can't say "I wonder what the white TechCrunch would be
like", then do a dream sequence of somebody "acting white" by meeting
other homosexuals in bars, luring them home, killing them and eating them.


You can't say "I wonder what the black TechCrunch would be like", then
do a dream sequence of somebody "acting black" by acting GHETTO.



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