Had a great time this weekend guys! shall finally have time to edit
some footage tomorrow as I have been overloaded with work since I got
back. Looking forward to next year! whats it gonna be Paris? Annecy?
Copenhagen? :)

Thank all you guys for organizing the event and see you soon!


Gabe B.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jeffrey Taylor"
> Just thought I'd communicate a bit with everyone to "complete" Vlog
> 2007, say some things that should be said, and tell you about what's
> First, the links:
> Video uploads from the event: http://vlogeurope.blip.tv There's more
> videos to see at: http://blip.tv/posts?search=vlogeurope07 , which we'll
> move over to the main site as soon as we can.
> You can see the photos pouring in on the flickr site here:
> http://flickr.com/photos/tags/vlogeurope07/
> Next, the weekend:
> We had a great event. Halle_02, our venue, was fantastic, and we were
> thrilled to broadcast the event with our sponsor BlogTV.com and see some
> visitors that couldn't make it to Heidelberg like Richard Bluestein,
> Howell, and about 100-150 others throughout the day. We couldn't
record the
> sessions on BlogTV due to technical limits within Firefox (crashed our
> browsers every time we hit record), but there is footage of the sessions
> that will eventually make it to the Blip site.
> We covered a lot of ground in the sessions on Saturday, including
Aske Dam's
> presentation on evolving public media, the inevitable money
> great software/gear discussions that included presentations from our
> Sanyo on the Xacti, and a really great session in which we curated our
> favorite videoblogs in real-time. We were a small group, but the
> conversations were among the most powerful I have seen in a conference
> setting and everyone played a starring role as the day unfolded.
> Day 2 was a "Vlog Treasure Hunt" in Heidelberg. I could say lots on
this but
> think Jan's video explains it best: http://blip.tv/file/364227/ The
> results are trickling in as we get home and have editing time.
> Some things to say:
> Firstly. I don't think Deirdré Straughan and Andreas Haugstrup
Petersen were
> thanked enough for their organization of VlogEurope '06. Having just
> this one, I understand what a major undertaking this is and have
> thought about how little gratitude you two received in return. Your
> were not unnoticed and were most definitely not taken for granted.
> Next, we really want to thank our sponsors BlogTV.com , the Sanyo
Xacti and
> Voicebank, TechSmith Screencasting software, and Blip. All of you
have been
> really great to us, really easy to work with and have taken a true
stand for
> the videoblogging community. Your support will pay dividends that
have only
> begun to unfold.
> I also want to thank Joel Carner (http://joelart.blip.tv) for
opening up his
> well-appointed home to us, giving up lots of time for the event, and for
> getting it together.
> Also thanks to Jan McLaughlin (http://fauxpress.blogspot.com) for
jumping in
> and getting all the audiovisual issues handled.
> And Raymond Kristensen (http://dltq.org) is someone all of you
should know.
> I don't know anyone else more committed to videoblogging in Europe.
He spent
> the entire weekend creating a foundation for a bigger, better and more
> impactful Vlog Europe, and I really look forward to helping him
fulfill his
> goal of having a strong independent videoblogging organization in
> And a final thank you to all the participants, coming from everywhere in
> Europe, America and Japan. We discussed hard and played hard, and I
hope all
> of you will be with us next year.
> What next:
> We've already started the planning for Vlog Europe '08, taking to
heart all
> that did and didn't work with previous Vlog Europes. The discussion
has only
> just begun, but we know we'll schedule better dates next year and
give more
> opportunity for "organic" discussions about videoblogging. We're even
> considering ditching the formal sessions and just letting the discussion
> come out organically as we "invade" another European locale and do our
> videoblogging thing. We realized that the most important aspect of this
> event was seeing each other – catching with old friends and
welcoming new
> friends into the fold, feeding off of each other's creativity and
> to videoblogging, and perpetuating what we identified as a "cult of
> sensibility" that has emerged within these past years.
> Stay tuned for more great news to come!
> Jeffrey
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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