Oh yeah, I forgot... the site is located at www.riseupnetwork.com/RUNtv

On Sep 14, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Josh Wolf wrote:

> Hey everyone, I'm producing a vlog-based show at a local community
> college television station that I work at called RUNtv and for the
> next 10 weeks I have a budget to pay out $400 for each episode. Along
> with a $1,000 cash grant for the winning video at the season finale.
> But, in order for this to work, I need submissions and people to
> vote. Right now the pilot episode is up and there are only 12 votes
> total. So, if you like to peruse online video please take a look and
> vote on your favorite. And if you like making money for the work
> you're already doing, please send me a link to the video you'd like
> to submit and I'll put it in an upcoming episode! Sound good? Let me
> know if you have any questions...
> Josh

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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