I'm a political blogger so if I did what was the most marketable all
my blog posts would be about name calling people and coming up with
catchy nick names for politicians who disagree with me politically. I
couldn't do that because I still have a soul.

Terry Rendon

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Amongst the "YouTubers" that came to Pixelodeon was Caitlin Hill, aka
> TheHill88 <http://flickr.com/photos/ekai/543134602/>.  Recently, she
> posted a video to YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KQv4koF1n0>
> which was a response to other people's responses to her video called
> "Chris Crocker + TV Show = A Load of Crock"
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYGmO_zCU6Q&NR=1>.
> Now I know Caitlin's one of the YouTubers that's doing a character. 
> She does mostly goofy "entertainment" skits.  If she's acting in these
> two videos, I'll tip my hat, because she seems perfectly serious to me.
> There are lots of things I find interesting about these videos,
> including the fact that she seems to have a good grasp on the
> difference between "laughing at" and "laughing with" and she's
> basically putting down the exact same type of videos that she does
> herself.  She also says that she liked [her work] way more before she
> cared what other people thought.  At this point, AFAIK, she's in the
> YouTube Partner program.  Her punchline at the end of the Crocker
> video is "Please realize this.  Reality TV is like YouTube... Need I
> say more?"
> Granted, I don't watch many YouTube "Character" videos, so I have no
> idea whether lots of people are saying this, but (again, if we're to
> take her seriously, and I've chosen to do that after having watched
> both videos) her stance seems to be opposing the stance of "anything
> that anybody does is worthwhile to anybody but themselves" and
> "anybody who gets sponsored or chosen to do something has been deemed
> a quality performer".  I find it to be a very progressive and
> insightful stance from someone who specializes in deliberately-goofy
> videos.  Obviously, Caitlin has been exposed to more of "the
> industry", and that may be coloring her view of "sit in front of your
> webcam" videos.
> I wanted to post this in light of some people mentioning that the
> recent conversations in this group have been about money.  How do we
> get paid?  How do we monetize?  How do we get sponsored?  How do we
> grow and maintain an audience?  How do we get more hits?  How do we
> get more distribution?  What kinds of ads should we run?
> I agree from my own perspective with what Caitlin had to say about
> "caring what people think".  That's partially why what was going to be
> a personal "battle" with Vergel Evans <http://Lx7.ca> became Vlog
> Deathmatch: Video Music Challenge
>  I had basically bored myself to death doing videos that conformed to
> what the public was consuming or what was being done in the space.  I
> love that particular video I did with ActionGirl, because it was fun,
> she brought fantastic energy to the project, and I was consistently,
> progressively creative during the time we shot it and I edited it. 
> That's more my style and what I got involved with video to do in the
> first place.  I also really enjoyed the diversity and creativity of
> the other 19 entries in the "contest", which I really think of more as
> a festival.
> I've also had the *rare* reaction of "Damn... I wish *I* had made that
> video" when I see Jay Smooth's creativity in his videoblog "Ill
> Doctrine"
> <http://www.illdoctrine.com/2007/06/the_ill_doctrine_dipset_anthem.html>
> I guess it all comes down to what YOU would do if you weren't
> concerned with numbers or viewers or getting sponsored or paying bills
> through videoblogging... the exact opposite of what we've been
> discussing lately.  Maybe you're already doing exactly what you want.
>  Maybe your videos are already personally satisfying to you.  I've
> been getting A LOT of satisfaction cutting Scriggity
> <http://scriggity.com> with Drew Olanoff @ Shauna.  Just last night,
> Clintus McGintus told us he was with the program to do Scriggity
> epidodes, so it's just getting better and better. :D
> I wonder what the percentage is between people that actually enjoy
> what they're doing and people that do their shows specifically to get
> hits, sponsorship or attention.  If you're not going to do videos that
> *you* like or even LOVE, make sure the ROI's worth it.  Otherwise, you
> might be better off keeping your day job and making videos that are
> completely unmarketable, yet personally fulfilling.
> --
> Bill
> http://billcammack.com

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