These are all interesting ideas, but I think they're too intricate to
be feasible right now.  I don't know that there's such a thing as
"Brazilian local video ad providers", for instance.  The way it seems
right now is that there are a couple of groups that serve a bunch of
different videos and are looking for lots of hits to serve their
commercials on.  I don't think there are mom & pop stores that would
like to advertise locally on internet shows that seek out
opportunities like the ones you're describing.

Also, this is the internet.  People watch stuff from everywhere. 
There's no guarantee that someone in Iowa watching something in Brazil
will have an "Iowa local video ad provider" that wants to serve videos
on Brazilian shows.

Check out Jonny Goldstein's show with Dina Kaplan ( for some
insight on sponsorship / advertising => <>

Bill Cammack

--- In, "Renat Zarbailov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was wondering if anyone knows a solution, aside from Brightcove 
> and Blip, that will enable the video content provider to host his 
> own videos that can have auto-modular pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-
> roll clickable video ads.
> In other words here is a scenario that would really hit home for a 
> show content provider;
> 1.The end-user visits the site, presses play in the Flash player. 
> The system is intelligent enough to figure out where the end-user is 
> located in the world by his IP address, points all video ads that 
> are local to that end-user. If the end-user logs-in in Brazil, all 
> the video ads are served from Brazilian local video ad providers. 
> Also if the show's original language is English, right away the end-
> user is presented with large message that pauses the show asking in 
> Portuguese "Watch in Portuguese?" Yes/No. Of course when the content 
> provider is publishing the content he will have to provide multiple 
> language audio streams, just like DVD movies approach.
> 2. Somewhere along the show the end-user is presented with a mid-
> roll video ad that the creators of the show approve of. So say if 
> the creators of the show actually tested a product or service only 
> then they allow the video ads to run, in other words complete 
> control over ad serving. As well as ad expiration.
> It's like a flash streaming server software/ad-serving engine that 
> works as a package providing the show creators complete control over 
> hosting/publishing, plus it install like wordpress on a web host 
> server. Allowing to choose the video resolution and bandwith beyond 
> 320 X 240, and 500kbps. Therefore all the ad revenues go to the show 
> creators.
> Any comments/suggestions are truly appreacited
> Thanks
> Renat

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