Well it depends somewhat on your setup ... but if you use wordpress
and feedburner, I think the following will help you:

If you're using feedburner (i.e. the feedburner url is the one which
itunes uses to populate it's podcast directory) then you can setup the
picture and other itunes options in your feed settings at
feedburner.com.  Click the Optimize tab and then "SmartCast".  (Your
picture should be jpg or pnx and 300x300 pixels.)

Also, if your blog is a wordpress blog, make sure your feed has "full
text" set as I believe its the body of the post that will show up as
show notes.  In the wordpress admin go to the "options" section and
then the "reading" sub-section.  There will be a section of that page
called "Syndication Feeds".  Make sure this setting is set to "Full

Hope that helps,
- Dave

On 10/26/07, amy_bugbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Everybody!
> I can't figure out what size the little picture on itunes should be, also how 
> do I get it up there?
> And, how do I add show notes to my rss feeds?
> Thanks for your help.
> Amy
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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