Hi everyone:

I've been making some changes to AMWT TV today and figured some of you
would wanna know what they are.

* AMWT TV now has a LIVE show - Thanks to our friends at BlogTV
* There's now a banner at the top of the page (It ain't much, but it's
better than what I had :) )
* An Embedded Pod-O-Matic Player has been added

I will soon change the screen captures of Episodes 2 & 3 to be more in
line with the rest of the podcast (In other words - The Quicktime
player skin) I'll also (If possible) switch the FeedBurner URL to the
Blogger RSS Feed.  If successful, it will eliminate the redundant need
to post to a Pod-O-Matic page I don't even use (Much less PROMOTE)

Of course, the podcast directories will have to be updated, but many
of them have spiders anyway so they can usually spider something like
a FeedBurner URL quite easily.

I have also put up a poll asking you (Since you *are* my VIEWERS - At
least I'd like to *think* you are :) ) how often do you think I should
post a show.  It'd be appreciated if you could answer it. :)

I also did a video today and it'll be posted before I go to bed
tonight (The embeddable Flash version from BlogTV is already up, but
that's only a placeholder till the downloadable version is posted).  I
should also have Part One of a Two Part video of my first recorded
clip outdoors (The whole thing is almost 90 minutes long) that I did
while I was amongst the offline world with my $100 Digital
Camera/Video Recorder.  I'll get that posted and retrodated tomorrow.

In the meantime....That's all the news there is from here.

Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page -
PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
THE PAT COOK SHOW  - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow
THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page -
http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page -

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