were you able to get this resolved?

On 10/26/07, wazman_au <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   For our last couple of posts I'm seeing a weird problem in iTunes.
> Instead of using the title of the episode that's contained in the RSS feed
> that our vlog spits
> out, iTunes is using the title of the original QuickTime file that I saved
> on my computer.
> Here's our iTunes URL:
> http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?
> id=73831930&s=1434\44
> and here's our feed URL:
> http://www.crashtestkitchen.com/wp-rss2.php
> For example, our latest post should have the title "Trifle Part 1: The
> Spongeblob
> Redemption", but instead it's "trifle part 1", which is the name of the
> original QuickTime
> file that I uploaded to Blip (it's not even the name that Blip gave the
> file after processing
> it).
> Anyone know why this might be happening?
> Waz from Crash Test Kitchen
> http://www.crashtestkitchen.com


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