Thanks for the compliments Brook :) You are no slouch in this. You are
creating wonderful videos yourself! It appears that the
NaVloPoMo'vians are all breaking out of those molds and experimenting
with new things.

Here is something that I find troublesome...

There are so many fantastic videos being created for navlopomo and the
majority of them are being hosted on Blip. I just went to the Blip
front page and I see not a mention of any NaVloPoMo videos on the
front page. Nothing. I see that Cooking with Jack Black is a hit
though. Wow.

It saddens me that Blip has gone the way of promoting "Internet TV" as
their base and bypassed the independent videobloggers who, were really
the ones that got them the attention when they first started up. Oh
sure, occasionally Blip will feature a non internet television
creator. The ratio is very lopsided though.

I'm sorry Blip. I really don't want to point fingers at you
are the ones that host my videos. I chose you then because I believed
in what you were doing...back then. I'm troubled with what you've
become. Alas, I guess you have to follow the money or promote where
the money may be.

So, when we, the "Independents" have been tossed to the side in favor
of "shows" and "internet tv", posts like yours Brook inspire me to
continue promoting the "people" who do this fantastic creative work
and push the boundaries.

Yes, everyone, please check out the amazing things that people are
doing for NaVloPoMo.

A video posted every day of this month. 30 videos from each person
involved. That's a massive amount of content. Personal content! Let's
see an Internet TV show try and do that.

Subscribe to the people. Get to know the people. Befriend the people.
Support the people.

I remember back when videoblogging was all about "the people".


--- In, "Brook Hinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Having just watched a David Howell navlopomo post that sent shivers
> down my spine, I have to come here and say: people are posting some of
> their best work EVER for this project. If you're not following it you
> really should. I'm only able to keep up with about 20% of the posts at
> most in real time but I'm looking forward to eventually catching up
> with all of them, because this is an AMAZING surge of creativity.
> Brook
> _______________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art

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