Enric sent me this great link:

"Here's hoping that these proposals lead to real progress in striking
a balance between the interests of UGC creators, media companies, and
video hosting services."

Its a document that the EFF has prepared to explain how Fair Use
should be dealt with in online video.

"The "Fair Use Principles" document describes a set of concrete steps
that service providers and content owners can and should take to
protect the "remix culture" that has been a foundation for sites like
YouTube. A critical component of the Principles is a detailed
description of a "three strikes" threshold before materials are
automatically blocked. In addition, the document includes a "humans
trump machines" rule, which is to say that users must be afforded the
opportunity to dispute and override the conclusions of automated
identification or filtering mechanisms."


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Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
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