Hi everyone:

On Nov 13, 2007 3:34 PM, jt_hanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
>  My name is Jill. I am on youtube, my link is
> http://www.youtube.com/xgobobeanx
>  i recently started vloging for a company that deals with nudity. I started
> a new channel on
>  youtube called http://www.youtube.com/icnakedpeople

Well Jill....Not to sound negative, but to be blunt.....

Naked people + YouTube = *HHHEEEELLLLOOOO!!!*

YouTube and the YT community, like MySpace and its community, doesn't
take too kindly to someone posting videos about or involving people
who aren't....umm....shall we say....DRESSED.... *Hint....Hint*

As such, your chances of getting shut down (If not outright BANNED
from the site) increase DRAMATICALLY when you post videos of that
nature (Incidentally, your icnakedpeople account has been suspended.
I just checked).

If you want to continue to post videos of that nature, you are best
staying away from popular places such YouTube & MySpace by avoiding
them LIKE THE PLAGUE and post your videos on a more liberal site.

Again...Not to sound negative BUT you *kinda sorta* asked for it IMO.
As such, your popularity and credibility as you indicated in the quote
below on your xgobobeanx channel has undoubtedly taken a hit as well.

>  Because I am somewhat popular on my xgobobeanx channel, I have haters and
> stalkers.
>  These two groups have followed me over to my icnakedpeople channel and have
> been
>  trying to get it shut down for inappropriate content. I am not showing


>  I am not looking to get a million views, i am just looking to not have my
> channel banned,
>  or flagged, or taken down.
>  Any suggestions... please please please.. i am so desperate.

Yeah.  See above.

Hope this helps :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
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