--- "gabe_perardua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some ideas for discussions we have thought of are:
> - How to create a public fund for vlogging projects from the EU.

> - An inverted panel of service providers, so that instead of them
> telling you their new features, you all tell them what you want and
This could be an event all to itself.

> - How to break into new areas of the world with your content, like
> Asia, Africa, South America, etc.
Inverted panel for this too. I drives me nuts how difficult it is to
do something (legally) with many countries. I wanted to send shipping
containers full of auto parts that can be used for purposes other than
for cars ... alternator with a fan blade to build low cost 12VDC wind
power... Salvage the auto bulbs and sockets for lighting. Hit the
brick wall!!! ... then I learn about someone that has a scam running
shipping container after container out of this country... no problem
for this guy... he is working a loop hole according to my source. So
this would be of interest to me, assume it would be a big attraction
for many.

> - Improving your own skills in editing, filming and sound by getting
> master class workshops from D.P.s and editors, etc.
> and more...
Like this too. Willing to share my knowledge with others. That is how
I learned ... Each One Teach One ...

> There is a website www.vlogalicious.com for more info (although it's
> just started) and a wiki link on the site for ideas and information.
Nice looking site ... 

> Let me know what you all think, good or bad... I know a number of
> people HATE awards events, but for me I feel it's more of a
> celebration that is a great excuse to get together and one that
> hopefully can inspire new and old more.
Yeah, awards too often feel/look like backslapping. I don't hate them
so much when it is something like a Pulitzer or Nobel ... 

Your list of categories <http://vlogalicious.com/?page_id=18> I like,
 and think that the criteria should be expanded on. For instance...

"Get Polictical @ Vlogalicious'08&#8243;
Vlogs that expose important matters happening in the world today.

Maybe I missed a more detailed description, but IMO the bar should be
raised pretty high to differentiate a Vlogalicious from the rest. 

"Get Political @ Vlogalicious'08&#8243;
Individuals or groups producing daily Vlogs that expose or _______
governments and businesses that ___________, enhancing the lives and
empowering people to _______ __________ impacting the decision makers
 to correct or __________ important matters happening in the world today. 

I am not a writer and I am certainly not you. It is your site. I just
think that a much more detailed requirement for each category would
ensure that the cream rises to the top. 
> Cheers,
> GabeMac
> www.vlogalicious.com

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