This is one of those "it should be much easier" moments. I found this
to be real interesting as a way to add captions, titling, transcript,
because it looks good, has two way of analyzing the video and they had
it online SO FAST!

John thought it might be <>

It seems like I was down this path once before. Before I knew even
less than I know now ... I think the way QT Pro works is it makes a
image file (might be a PICT cannot remember) but what ever it was (QT
5 or 6) it worked for accessibility only. In other words, it was a lot
of work for a good reason (helps the deaf) but it can't be read by
search engines.

I thought someone had a solution here .. may have been a work around
... I searched the archive for quicktime pro + transcript + search +
engine" but I am using the wrong search term

Take a look at these ... I'll keep digging to learn more about the
NYT's example.




This guy is the caption king when you do a search using caption or
closed caption <> 

--- In, "Hayden Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey All,
> Quick question - how do you add a transcript to a video using
quicktime pro?  I don't want it 
> to actually show up in the video itself - just in the metadata as I
hear this helps with keyword 
> proliferation.
> Cheers,
> Hayden

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