
I'm Tajee, video blogger from Japan.
I rarely talk in this mailing list, but let me tell you what I'm doing in Tokyo 
next month.

I'm organizing a videoblogging event called Video People JAPAN on Jan 26th, 
2008 in Tokyo, Japan.
Here is the official website(in Japanese,sorry!)


I know it's a bit far and expensive to come to this event from abroad, but
 thanks to the sponsors, I could invite Schlomo to this event.
Jay and Rayanne were supporsed to come, but since the flight tickets were 
 extremely expensive from Europe, we could not afford.....so sorry....> <

But as Shlomo says in this video, video blogging is such a good thing to do!
You can meet people throught the web across the globe!!

If you want to say hi to Japanese video bloggers, please insert the Douga-Jin 
 and let me know. I can pick up your video like this. 


The video event is the first one for Japanese vloggers, and I'm thinking of 
 the second one(bigger) to invite more people. 2008 will be very exciting for 
bloggers since many people are so curious to this phenomena now.
Who is the decision maker? I think you guys are all.
We have got good cameras, good software for editting, and good PC,,,,what else?
We need more creators, I think:)! I will make efforts to invite more vloggers 
in the future,
 so keep in touch if you are interested in vlogging in Japan.

Thank you!
Hope to see you around.


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