On Dec 18, 2007 5:23 PM, Chris Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I ask you guys a question about attribution?? How are you all
>  attributing each others work while staying creative? Can someone
>  suggest some best practice to doing it.. at least in the video
>  blogging-web video way.
>  I ask the question for couple reasons. First, I run a website and
>  program called the WGBH Lab.. we share WGBH clips using the cc non-
>  commerical share-a-like license through a tool we have called Sandbox.
>  Each clip carries a WGBH watermark for this very reason, attribution.
>  Over the past few months though, we have been asking ourselves if the
>  watermark is good idea or not. I have my own reasons to keep it,
>  marketing. But I'm finding that it can be a pain in the butt for users
>  of the content. How would or how are you, attributing the content
>  that your sharing?

yeah...this is a good project that Chris spearheaded at WGBH:
The problem is that the watermark makes the video less attractive to use.
If i'm making a video, and then use a snippet of an eagle with the
WGBH watermark...it  might kill the mood im trying to create.
Imagine if all of us put watermarks on our videos.
it'd make for some crazy mash ups.

are yu finding people who regularly use the WGBH library of video?

its WGBH's decision for how open they want to be with their material.
Creative Commons is a smart licensing system, and all these little
outbursts are helping people realize that we actually have to respect
CC in our own work. it's an interesting time.


917 371 6790
Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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