hi Doron

like the hamlet diptych :-)
On 17/01/2008, at 4:26 AM, Doron Golan wrote:

> some time ago I did
> http://the9th.com/?p=19
> also 2 movies looped side by side but embedded this way. no XML
> my question. supposed you like to play several unlooped movies that
> will play consecutively.
> when a movie complete downloading, a new movie will load. is that
> possible to do using XML file?

yes and no. the templates I wrote use the childmovie feature of QT.  
this is where a parent QT movie can include other QT movies/objects  
and it plays them within itself. much like a webpage is made up of  
different parts which the browser collects and shows as a whole.

So, a childmovie track can contain a list of as many films as you  
like. These can be included as part of the movie (by scrfipting in  
live stage pro) or in the template's case by being read in via the xml  
file (which is also being managed via coding in livestage pro).

Now, it is easy to load different movies in the childmovie list, the  
code is simple (more or less state the name of the childmovie track  
you need to address and then tell it which film in the list for that  
track to load and play). to do what you ask you would need to probably  
script somethign that:

1. got the total length of the current childmovie clip
2. checked to see if it had got to the end
3. if at the end then load another

you could also do this just by checking if it is playing or not, on  
the assumption that if it isn't playing then it's got to the end.

there would be a pause as the next clip was loaded (due to all the  
usual network issues), but no doubt there's some clever preload thing  
you might be able to do to hide this pause.

short answer is that the only way i know to do this is via livestage  
pro, and the status of that quite expensive software is very grey at  
the moment. But QT can do it quite easily as a technology, just  
getting under the hood is the problem....

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

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