So I tried to install Windows XP (sp2) via boot camp on my MacBookPro
... and now my Mac wont boot up ... to anything.

I followed all the boot camp instructions and completed the first
portion of the windows install (blue screen with text where you tell
it what partition to install on).  At this point it should have
rebooted into the more gui-based portion of the windows install.
However all I get now is a boot disk failure.

I can boot from the Windows CD and go to the Restore console (and I
see that the windows files have been copied over to the correct
partition), but I can't seem to get it to launch the final phase of
the OS install (or just don't know how to make it do it perhaps).

I, unfortunately, cannot figure out how to get it to boot off of the
Mac partition either (I've tried holding down the option key at boot
up, but it goes straight to the "hit any key to boot off of CD" ...
and I either boot to CD (and get the windows installer again - which
fails on subsequent attempts as well), or I don't and I get a boot
disk failure).

I have yet to figure out how to eject the windows CD - as the eject
button on the keyboard apparently doesn't do anything at this point in
the boot up process (and there is no eject button on the drive

This is causing a serious hampering of my semanal participation as I
edit all my videos on the Mac (and I was unwilling to give up on the
mac last week and be forced to try to edit on the PC again :-P)

But beyond Semanal ... I would like my macbook pro to be something
other than a very expensive door stop ....

Does anyone have any suggestions on what my next steps should be to
get it back up and running?


  - Dave


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