I'd give my eye teeth for that job.

Living in Iowa has it's downsides.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, T.Whid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Video Editor Plus!*
> Etsy.com < http://etsy.com/>, the online marketplace for all things
> handmade,
> has an online magazine, the Storque, for which we are hiring an experienced
> videographer/podcaster to produce, shoot, edit our online video content.
> http://www.etsy.com/storque
> Full-time, permanent position, health benefits and stock options after one
> month. Position available immediately. Must be NYC-based, & able to work out
> of Etsy Labs at 325 Gold st 6th fl, Brooklyn, NY (fun, non-corporate
> atmosphere).
> JOB DESCRIPTION We are looking for a creative self-starter with a
> documentary or news background who wants to trail-blaze Etsy's online video
> content and make it a DIY destination. We just hired videoblogging guru Bre
> Pettis of MAKEzine's weekend projects and we're looking for a shooting
> buddy/editor to work with him.  Current programming includes producing a
> monthly newscast, series of portraits/studio tours with Etsy sellers,
> craft-oriented How-tos, and animated videos about
> Etsy.com< http://etsy.com/>site features. We would like someone who can
> seek out interesting people and
> events in the DIY world and make videos that captivate, inform and connect
> the Etsy community.
> Editor on Mac Finalcut Pro system, AfterEffects or similar graphics and
> post-production work, experience videoblogging, troubleshooting codex and
> compressions for web, experience with HD cameras, lighting. Experience in
> developing look and feel (branding) videos. Knowledge of animation
> techniques a plus. Sound editing and even music composition skills are
> great!  We are looking for a video/webby person!
>   - Production:
>      - Shoot videos with Bre Pettis, our videoblogger host/New Media
>      guru
>      - Editing:
>      - monthly newscast
>      - how-tos
>      - site help videos
>      - Take reviews & suggestions from other admin
>   - Post-production:
>      - develop a look and feel for videos
>      - post-production color correction and graphics
>      - make musical scores
>   - Distribution:
>      - upload video content to various sites
>      - play with/encourage online video community/user-generated
>      content
>      - be involved in the forums and community section of Etsy in
>      getting the word out about Storque & Videos
> At least 3 years experience with the skills listed above
> CHARACTER Basically, we want a digital age Renaissance person:
> self-motivated, problem solver, Michel Gondry-esque aesthetic, technically
> competent, hip to the blogosphere, with a great sense of humor, and the
> drive to make Etsy the premiere DIY destination on the web.
> More about Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/about.php
> More about the Storque:
> http://www.etsy.com/storque/section/etsyNews/article/about-the-storque/806/
> Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and say how you heard about the job.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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