For all you HV20 owners out there, I have a problem (and I know Kent Bye has
the same issue)

Camera Noise!!

Check out all the camera noise in this video I made with the camera:

Lots of high-pitched noise
obviously this is because the internal mic is so close to the tape
mechanism. And obviously, when the room is quiet the auto-gain ettenuator
makes that noise even louder.

I have used lapel mics to get rid of the noise and that works great, but I
want a solution for when I am just filming other people and things. I
thought about getting a shotgun mic but I am not sure if it would help as
much as I want it to.

so I am asking these questions:

- does your HV20 camera make this much noise?
- what do you do to stop the camera noise?
- what kind of shotgun works well with the camera?

Josh Leo

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