Whoa...there's going to be 2 protests here in Cedar Rapids!? I didnt even know 
there was a 
Scientology "Church" here.

I'll be venturing out there Sunday to get this on video!


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wow. we'll be in LA sunday.
> id love to see what they pull off.
> Jay
> On Feb 7, 2008 7:42 PM, Andrew Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This Sunday there will be an amazing protest of Scientology by the
> >  Anonymous group. If anyone in the US can make it out to capture some
> >  footage in your own locale and would be willing to sync up, please
> >  email me off-list.
> >
> >  Thanks!
> >
> >  Map of Protests around the country
> >  http://harbl.wetfish.net/cosplay/
> >
> >  Anonymous makes it on to NPR:
> >
> >  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18764756
> >
> >  The anti-Scientology group "Anonymous" told NBC11 Monday it expected
> >  more than 300,000 people to join protests worldwide on Feb. 10th at
> >  11am.
> >
> >  "The campaign is going amazingly -- swimmingly at the moment. We are
> >  in the organizational stages," a woman who would not give her name
> >  told NBC11. "We are having members of Anonymous from all over the
> >  world join the protest at their local church of Scientology at 11
> >  a.m. local time."
> >
> >  Other people claiming to be members of Anonymous told NBC11 that the
> >  actual number of Scientology protesters worldwide will not reach
> >  300,000. The actual number of people who show up for the rallies
> >  could be much less, they said.
> >
> >  The group members said out of the 24 time zones, there are 17 that
> >  have Churches of Scientology.
> >
> >  "Of the 24 time zones there are 17 that have a church located in them
> >  and we believe our protesting is happening in 15 of those 17," said
> >  the group member. "We have a map that people can log in to and say
> >  what protest they're going to at the current moment. At last count we
> >  expect 300,000 at all the protests. Everyone in the world is invited.
> >  We're trying to get support from local organizations."
> >
> >  Anonymous claims the Church of Scientology forces members to have
> >  abortions as well as sign over their bank accounts.
> >
> >  "We think it's wrong that they have tax exempt status," the member
> >  told NBC11. "We want to to see if we can get that looked into by the
> >  IRS -- who ever we can gain the ear of. Are they really a religious
> >  organization or a business?"
> >
> >  The member of Anonymous said her organization is attempting to change
> >  its approach because it first gained attention as a group of
> >  "hackers" and "pranksters."
> >
> >  The group said it now plans to engage in activities that fight
> >  against Scientology, but are not considered illegal by the U.S.
> >  government. The member told NBC11 that she is not an actual hacker
> >  herself, but rather someone providing other means of support to
> >  Anonymous.
> >
> >  The member said Anonymous is planning to hold large monthly protests
> >  against Scientology at its churches each month until May.
> >
> >  She said the group is drawing up plans for more protests after that.
> >
> >  The group member said Anonymous would hold another large protest two
> >  days after church founder L. Ron Hubbard's birthday on March 15.
> >
> >  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >  
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> Professional: http://ryanishungry.com
> Personal: http://momentshowing.net
> Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
> RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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