perhaps this has happened in a way already. generally I've found that in
business the language is english. for a personal example, whilst working in
India, Korea, Israel (Aus/NZ/UK) all the business discussions have been in
english. in each place the local engineers/business people speak in their
own language or more often (eg India) in english. also numbers in these
places use roman numerals also, so you can always read the numbers in
different places. I come from Australian yet working for UK company
background, and I imagine it's similar for the Americans/Canadians. I read
that India will be the largest population of english speakers within a
couple of years. I've seen plenty of notices for 'learn english now'
schools/classes. and even people in the street stop to talk to you to
practice their english. I find it strange that we're not encouraged/forced
to learn hindi (or one of the many other dialects), or hebrew or korean, but
that's the 'power' of the influential western countries I suppose in
business (& the dollar).  (I try to learn some during visits but I'm not
that good with languages). even in daily life I've found most people speak
some english.

so I think numbers are the universal language. but of course no one wants to
use a string of numbers (or hex codes) to talk so it's not really a
practical language for most people.

also when you stay in places you pick up the local language or you can work
out what people are talking about from gestures, where they are etc, so
communication still happens even if you can't read or write or speak the
local languages. you might miss out on things initially but if you're
interested in the local culture and try & ask questions then I've found
there's no problems at all.


On 19/03/2008, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   If you posed an universal language of symbols, my guess is that a
> majority of Americans would think it stupid and demand that all 6
> billion learned their language.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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