There is the demographic factor that Terry originally brought up: younger
people tend to be both more comfortable with technology (though there are
huge exceptions) and more "liberal" in their political/social views (again,
with exceptions). This probably accounts for a lot of the skew on YouTube
etc. Letters to newspapers, on the other hand, are mostly written by older

Videoblogging is not as widely understood as we in this group might imagine.
I'm doing videoblogging (among many other things) for Sun Microsystems now -
a company which is certainly very technically savvy - and have a lot to do
in educating my colleagues on how they can shoot their own video and get it
online cheaply and quickly. So you can imagine how daunting it can seem to
someone who is not much of a technology user.

If you truly want to hear a variety of voices (and I know that Jay very
sincerely does), the efforts many in this group have made to teach others
continue to be very important.

Jan, thanks for the mic advice - works great!

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

living & travelling in Italy
(and other Countries Beginning with I)

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